Friday, May 29, 2015

Life Lately





It had been so nice having Melissa home and free from responsibility until she starts her job in a couple of weeks. We have been doing some shopping for career type clothes and other errands that need to get accomplished. She is always up for something fun and yesterday we went to a restaurant, just down the road, that is on the water and has lovely outdoor deck seating. The weather was perfect for sitting outside and enjoying an early dinner, with a glass of wine.



I am trying to eat as healthy as I can this summer and take advantage of fresh ingredients, so I enjoyed a yummy steak salad with a light application of homemade blue cheese dressing. Quality protein and low carb is a good rule of thumb for a diabetic (like me) or really anyone.



I just finished reading A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner and enjoyed it very much. It takes place in present day New York, as well as New York City in 1911. The main characters are connected through a marigold patterned scarf and the tragedies of 9/11 and The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. There is rich historical detail of New York City and Ellis Island in that era and it is a fascinating read. I have just started her newer book, Secrets of A Charmed Life, with a World War II setting of London during the Blitz.



I think I have mentioned before that I love watching baseball and my Detroit Tigers. They have been in California this past week which means the games have been late games here in the Detroit area. I just love staying up late and having the Tigers on my television, since I am a night owl anyway. Summer nights and baseball just go together.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Happy you and Melissa are enjoying these days together.
    The book sounds great, I put it on my order list.
    Enjoy your late night Tiger games . . .
    Happy weekend . . ,

  2. My Atlanta Braves have been out west too and I can't stay up late! My eyes start closing around 10:00! Enjoy your day dear Vicki, that salad looks YUMMY! HUGS

  3. You've got the rythmn of summer down....lunch on a patio, summer reading and baseball!! Love it!

  4. Your Tigers do their Spring Training right here in our beautiful Lakeland, FL!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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