Thursday, April 30, 2015

Nobody's Cuter Than You




This is part book review and part tribute to my girlfriends. I recently read the wonderful book, Nobody's Cuter Than You by Melanie Shankle (Big Mama Blog) and it made me think a lot about my friends and how important they are in my life. I think as we get older, friends become important in a different way. We needed friends as teenagers to go through the pains of growing up and we needed friends as young mothers to help keep us sane when our children were wearing us down. But, it is the relationships with my friends now, that I treasure the most. We are all dealing with life changes, health issues and aging parents. Having friends by your side, there to help and support when you need them and ready to drink a glass of wine with you, is priceless. There are so many years of history together and so many memories.



In Nobody's Cuter Than You, the main focus is the friendship between the author Melanie and her friend from college, Gulley. When either is having a bad day, they end a conversation with the words from the book title and that sums up their friendship. A true friend will see the good in you, no matter what and be on your side. The book is filled with sweet stories about how friendship gets us through the hard times in life, as well as a celebration of the laughter and silliness good friends can share. It is a quick read, but heartwarming and laugh out loud funny at the same time. It will make you think of friends in your past and celebrate the friends you hold close now.

Happy Thursday!



  1. this is exactly what I need to read right now!! on my way to amazon right now,,,thanks!
    hope things are settling down around your house now...been thinking about you and your family's loss....

  2. Hi Vicki! Sounds like a great read and a wonderful gift for my friends. Thanks for the tip!

  3. One of my blogging book club suggested it, but we haven't decided on which month.

  4. Looks like a cute little book. I like quick reads. True friends are priceless. Best wishes, Tammy

  5. Friends are so important in our lives, and how blessed are we who have at least one solid "old" friend who knows us better than we know ourselves. I'll have to check out this book. Thanks!

  6. I just can't get enough of Big Mama and can't wait to read her book. I agree with you whole heartedly, I couldn't make it without my friends.

  7. Friends are truly a blessing!
    Looks like you have MANY blessings!


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