Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Delicious Easter



If you are like me when it comes to cooking for the holidays, the menu is often a mix of both old favorites, traditional to our family, as well as a new recipe sprinkled in for fun. I like my Easter menu to be light and fresh, with a springlike feel to match the season. I have put together some dishes for breakfast (brunch), lunch and dessert and even included a fun cocktail that will be the hit of your entertaining. My daughters will be home and we will be starting our lunch after mass with the mimosas, our family favorite.

Sugar Free Blueberry Coffee Cake


Three Springtime Mimosas


Simple Parsley Butter New Potatoes


Carrot Cake Cookies


Peeps Martini


Here's to fun Easter preparation with easy recipes and lots of time to enjoy your day with family.


Linking with Rattlebridge Farm



  1. That blueberry coffee cake looks delicious. We are serving brunch this year as well.

  2. All of those things look so good! The peeps martini is too cute! Our two guests for Easter dinner don't drink, but Joe and I could enjoy one of those after they leave and the dishes are done!! :)

  3. That sugar free blueberry cake looks delish! May have to try it! Have a great Easter, Vicki!

  4. Love your carrot cake cookies and also the way you have bundled them with string. I need to find out what the equivalent is to vanilla pudding mix in the uk so I can have a go at the recipe.

  5. Fun post Vicki, I like the "Peeps Martini!"
    Happy Easter Brunch . . .

  6. Looks great!! Have a super weekend


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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