Thursday, April 9, 2015

40 Bags in 40 Days {update}




When I started my 40 Bags in 40 Days Lenten challenge this year, I knew that reaching the goal would be difficult. Because this was my third year in a row, my things to give away were few. My closets were organized, as well as the drawers in all the extra dressers. I had found a couple areas (under bed storage) that I wanted to concentrate on and am happy to say those goals were accomplished. But, in the midst of this challenge, where I hoped to go a little deeper, I found something out.

I'm not quite ready to let things go. I know intellectually that our time in this house is getting short and there are many things that need to go. But, it's my heart that is the problem. I discovered this when I tried to donate the Christmas tree that I put up in the basement every year. I thought I was to the point where I could let it go, since in was the one with the homemade ornaments and all the Disney princesses - everything collected over the years of my daughter's childhood. When it came down to giving all this away, I just wasn't ready. Change for me is a process; something I need to think about over time. There are many things I will need to let go of in the coming years and if I am allowed to take my time, by this time next year, I know I will be ready.

Happy Thursday!



  1. I am feeling the same, right now.

  2. It's great that you recognized your feelings and how to best deal with them! Perhaps you will also find a way to preserve part of the tree to take with you. Keep us posted!

  3. I can relate my friend. Somethings are much easier to part with than others. We have a basement full of the girls things and memories. Someday, yes, we will go through it all. But, for now we have the room to store it and I am not ready.

  4. I've moved so many times over the years - downsized, upsized, divorce moves, apartments.....I've come to realize that it's only stuff. The memories, the photographs and the feelings won't go away. But that being said....if you have the room for that old Christmas tree, don't get rid of it yet. And when you decide to forgo putting it up, divide the ornaments amongst the girls and let them put them on their own trees - that's what I did with my kids' ornaments. Now they can remember along with me.

  5. Very helpful when we come to the realizations that are right for us personally!
    Good for you!

  6. Like Heather, I've moved so many times that I've parted with lots and lots of things. Still, that being said, there are certain items - ones that evoke a particularly fond memory - that I will happily pack up for the next move. I think you are doing the right thing by honoring your feelings about those things you just aren't ready to part with!


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