Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Prettiness




Spring is in the air finally and it is especially noticeable when you are walking through the stores. I was out shopping yesterday and loved seeing all the spring prettiness; especially when I was at Kirkland's. The colors were bright, there were flowers and greenery galore and seeing it all, put me in the best mood.



Easter decorations were whimsical and fun with an abundance of bunnies and carrots on display. Texture was the order of the day, with both burlap and wicker on many items.



There were colorful pillows stacked here and there, perfect to brighten any patio chair.



And, my heart always beats a little faster when I see the pretty garden and patio decor.

Spring arrives officially, within a week or so, but if you take a walk through any home store, you will be hit by spring prettiness, tempting you to add some color and seasonal decor to your home.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I haven't been to Kirklands in awhile. I will have to find one around here. Have a great weekend, Vicki!

  2. Things are starting to bloom here, and it is such a welcome sight. Can't wait to get in the garden again.

  3. I love going into the stores at this time of year!!

  4. I just bought some new cushions for the chairs and bench by the pool! Love seeing all of the bright colors! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. Love all the color lightness springtime brings . . .
    Happy St. Pat's weekend Vicki!

  6. Love those bunnies. We have the authentic version here and she is loving the fact that Spring has arrived and she can go outside!


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