Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Morning




The Monday morning after the daylight savings time switch is always the worst. You have not adjusted to losing that hour and to make it worse, it's still dark outside when it is usually light. It just feels like a Monday and I need coffee. Perhaps if I think of some good things that happened this weekend or will happen this week I can get through this discombobulated morning.

Even though it's dark early, the fact that it will stay light later is a good thing. I can start to walk later in the evening if I choose and the days just feel longer.

We had a fairly quiet weekend, which was a nice change. Melissa is home for a few days before she leaves for her spring break trip to Las Vegas and we love having her here. Her boyfriend came for dinner last night and it was nice to cook a good meal and relax over a few glasses of wine on a Sunday night.

When I look at the weather forecast for this week it makes me very happy. Every day is in the 40's and there is even a day midweek, in the 50's. That is remarkable, since we have barely made it out of the 20's since January. Finally, all our snow will melt away and we will see some grass again.

Later in the week, I plan on having a pedicure to get ready for my upcoming trip to Florida. The thought of wearing flip flops and sandals seemed so far away, but here it is and I look forward to sitting in that massage chair once again and coming away with pretty toes.

I started to read a new mystery series and that makes me happy too. The Aimee Leduc series by Cara Black is set in different areas of Paris and is intelligent, gritty and fast paced, with a well written, strong female character. I will be working my way through the older books until I reach her newest book, recently published. There is nothing like discovering and immersing yourself in a book series, if you are a avid reader like I am.

There is much to be happy about on this Monday morning after all. I will pour another cup of coffee, enjoy the early morning quiet and look forward to a great day.

Happy Monday!



  1. Yes, the first day after time change is YUCK:) But... we will get our motor running with a hot cup of coffee and each day will get better! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I love this post! As im sitting here with my coffee. Totally relating. I love this kinda of post from you. Telling us about your day and what you are looking forward to. And the simple pleasures that keep a person going. Sometimes it doesn't take much to find the good in a day. Thanks for helping me see that better! Love your blog! Jennifer

  3. It's supposed to hit the 50's here too!! Yeah. I'm going on Amazon right now to look up that series of books. Thanks for the tip! Enjoy your balmy week!

  4. Vicki, your upbeat post is just what I needed this morning!! I will also look into the book series you mentioned. I am always interested in a good series!!

  5. Enjoy your wonderful weather! It is raining here all. freaking. week. Like 90% chances every. single. day. i don't think Spring will ever make it's way to Louisiana.

  6. I am so glad we are finally getting some warmer weather! Daylight Savings Time usually only effects me the first day. After that I don;t seem to have any problems. Maybe because I work full time and have to keep to my schedule regardless of daylight or not. I'm glad to have that extra hour of daylight after work though! Have a good week!

  7. Yes, the time change takes some getting used to. For me it is not so much about the hour of sleep lost or the darker mornings, but the fact that I realize it's 7-8 o'clock and we haven't even started dinner thinking it is earlier! Our Katie is home this week for Spring break. Always nice having the girls home if even for a bit. Enjoy your time with her.

  8. DST is always a happy time for me. I stay up later at night and sleep later in the mornings so I don't notice the change so much. But, like you, I love the longer days. Enjoy that pedicure and that FL trip. I definitely don't need to start another book series right now but you have me intrigued. I'll have to go check out that series.

  9. I'm with you about this week. I find the time change a tough one to adjust to. At least spring is showing its first signs of happening!

  10. Just goes to show that we can change our attitude if we focus on the positive! I'm looking forward to a mother/daughter pedicure next weekend. A sure sign of spring!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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