Friday, March 20, 2015

Finding Spring




Finally, the paths in my neighborhood are clear from snow and my walking routes are back to normal. My puppy and I went on our longest walk in months, yesterday, and it felt so good. My intention was to look for signs of spring, as I was walking through the woods and wetlands, but maybe I was a little optimistic. While we long for some green to finally appear, and the calendar officially says it is spring, it is just a few weeks too early.



But, it still feels good to be outside, with only a fleece jacket instead of my usual winter hat, gloves and heavy coat. The grass is visible and even though it is not green yet, it is a welcome sight. My puppy is thrilled to have so much more to explore.

Here in the north, even the slightest bit of warmth gives us hope. We celebrate the snow melting, days in the 50's and finally putting away our winter coats. Our days of buds on the trees and green grass are within reach and we all feel a little lighter in spirit. Looking for and finding signs of spring are finally possible and I couldn't be happier that winter is gone for good.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Happy your pathways have cleared . . . we have a ways to go across state . . .
    I needed this inspiration.
    Such a cute, happy, curious pup you have!

  2. Yes to everything you wrote! Cute puppy too!

  3. It is so good to have the snow mostly gone! What a lovely walk! :)

  4. The snow has cleared here too and hubs and I have been walking everyday. Not a whole lot of greenery coming up, but I know one day soon it will be! Cute puppy!

  5. What a sweet puppy!! Glad your snow is gone and you were able to get out for a nice long walk!

  6. I'm back walking my regular route too! Saw some snowdrops blooming in a neighbours garden and the robins are back!

  7. Hope you have a beautiful Springtime day:) HUGS!

  8. I think all southeastern 'Michiganders' are happy the snow has melted and spring-like temperatures have finally returned. So happy for spring and the renewal it brings.

  9. Your neighborhood has wonderful walking paths. I'm also so glad that spring is here and that the snow has melted.

  10. Spring is such a wonderful time of year ...... when it finally arrives.

    All the best Jan

  11. I really need to get into a walking habit. I have been so fickle about going to the gym...I seriously can't keep renewing a membership that I lose money on. Walking in the city isn't too fun...I like to do it at the lake. I have some DVD's that I'm going to make some effort to use this week. And yeah, there's not much blooming or looking too pretty yet.

    I read your last post about Instagram. I do love it like you. It's such a quick way to connect with people, meet new ladies and not have all the drama and "visiting & commenting" issues. I do have a question...I asked another blogger if we can only post pics from our phone on Instagram. She says she only posts pictures taken with her good camera, downloads them and then emails them to herself. I can't seem to email either downloads or pictures. It bums me out because I really think my pics can be better. How do you do i?

    Jane xx


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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