Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Birthday Across the Miles




Today is my daughter Megan's birthday and as much as I would like to be with her to celebrate, the reality is that we will be celebrating this year in different cities. Last year, she moved from Michigan to Pittsburgh; ready to start a big girl life, in a new city. This has been a year of change and as she turns 25, the future looks bright. She is beautiful, both inside and out and continues to succeed at whatever she does. She is happy and it warms my heart to hear that happiness in her voice, when we talk on the phone.

And, for now, those phone conversations or text messages are the reality, even on a special day like her birthday. I can't bake her a cake and watch her blow out the candles, but I can send a few surprises for her to open and hopefully feel the love.

These milestones, celebrated from a distance are the reality of an empty nest. It takes some getting used to, but like anything you learn to accept the change. A birthday from afar can be sweet in its own way; with best wishes and love sent across the miles.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Happy Birthday Megan! Enjoy your day! And Vicki - Megan sounds like a beautiful girl...enjoyed her story. (love the chair she's sitting on - I have the same one in my Bedroom)

    Jan ♥

  2. Happy birthday, Megan!! I'm sure she will love her gifts!!

  3. It's been a while since I visited but when I saw this post I had to comment! My son moved from Michigan to a suburb near the Philadelphia area a while back. My dauther lives in GR which is 180 miles away. Since the college days life has been a lot of texting, emails and brief phone calls. It's sweet and sad at the same time. We want their success but there is a price to pay.
    It gets easier as time goes on. Happy Birthday to your daughter- I'm sure she'll love the gifts. My kids always love getting packages from home!

  4. I've probably mentioned before, my oldest is Megan, also. My empty nest days are getting closer, and I can only hope my kids find happiness in their futures. That part must be a good feeling!

  5. Happy birthday to beautiful Megan. I always miss my girls so much on their birthdays. Enjoy your week.

  6. Happy Birthday to Megan! And yes, we still celebrate but in a different way. Special nonetheless!!

  7. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter! I feel sure she'll feel the love from across the miles!

  8. Happy birthday, Megan! And happy birthday, mom - I always think it's just as much a time for us to celebrate our accomplishment that day 25 years ago.
    I still struggle with not seeing my kids on their birthdays. But we make up for it by trying to spend time together near to the day - yesterday my daughter and i celebrated both our birthdays by meeting and having a spa afternoon. Total luxury with my favourite girl.

  9. Happy Birthday! Agree with heather above....I used to give my mom flowers on MY birthday as a lil acknowledgement of her yrs as a mom to me!!
    Our empty nest is hard sometimes, no? We work our whole lives to give them the tools to fly and then when they do it exactly as we had hoped...its a bit bittersweet. But with 10 yrs behind me since the last one left.....I have nothing but pride in the independent ones they have become. It worked out just as it shoud have!
    (now after a few days at my house with all those grandchillen,....I'm all...OUT! OUT! see ya'll later!!!! hahahaha)

  10. Happy Birthday to your dear, sweet and pretty girl. You are the optimist I wish I could be...and you know my story. I guess we simply have to take it in stride and be happy that "they" are happy.

    Love and good wishes to you!

    Jane xxx

  11. I'm sure your beautiful daughter feels the love all those miles away!

  12. Happy birthday to Megan! It is tough having your kids live in different cities but we raise them to be independent and are so happy and proud when they make their own way in life!


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