Monday, February 16, 2015

Yellow Roses and Blueberry Pancakes




What is a Valentine's Day without a few of your favorite things to make sure you feel loved? It was a lovely weekend (except for the frigid weather) and it is always a little more special when the holiday falls on a Saturday. My husband walked in a door on Friday with my favorite yellow roses and that gave the weekend a great start. He always remembers that I prefer yellow roses and makes and effort to find them for me, when red roses are much easier to buy on Valentine's Day. My gift to him was simple, but what he loves; a box of his favorite, homemade chocolate chip cookies. We like to keep Valentines's Day simple and sweet.



Saturday morning we braved the snowstorm, blowing through and went to our favorite breakfast spot. Because of the weather, it wasn't as crowded as I expected and we were able to linger quite awhile over coffee. I try to change up my order, but always end up going back to my favorite; blueberry pancakes. I would rather go out to breakfast than lunch or dinner, so it was a perfect Valentine's Day for me.

Happy Monday!



  1. Vicki, I am like you. I'd rather go out for breakfast than lunch or dinner. Somehow, I am never disappointed in a breakfast out!
    We also braved the weather and headed out Saturday morning here, returning home to a lovely afternoon with our hobbies in our nice, cozy house!

  2. Yellow roses. How beautiful.
    And I agree.
    Breakfast out is the best.
    I order Blueberry pancakes too.
    Or French Toast. : )
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  3. I'm not a flower lover. I just don't care to receive flowers, for any reason. BUT, breakfast is my absolute favorite meal to have out, too!! I would rather the "flower money" go toward a nice breakfast feast!! Glad you had a good weekend!

  4. FYI, Anyone can send me Terri's flowers any time. LOL I haven't had pancakes for a long time, but blueberry are my favorite and I would eat them for dinner, not breakfast. Sounds like a nice, slow breakfast time and a great weekend.

  5. Yellow roses are my favorite too! Breakfast out is my favorite, and we go out most weekends. We had a snowy Saturday so stayed in, which was nice too. It's been ridiculously cold so I'm not feelling too motivated to leave the house.

  6. Roses PLUS a fab breakfast? Sounds like the perfect weekend! Enjoy your week!

  7. Lovely yellow roses! So sweet! I love eating breakfast out too! Those blueberry pancakes are looking good!

  8. Lovely! Will this cold ever end????

  9. So pretty, LOVE the roses! Yummy breakfast, sweet way to spend your morning! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  10. Yellow wonderful . . .
    I love breakfast out too . . .
    Happy snow days . . .


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