Thursday, February 26, 2015

What I Am Watching Lately



I did manage to go for a few walks this week, since temperatures finally made it to above zero wind chills. But, for the past few weeks I have been both reading and watching more television than usual, to occupy my time.



Broadchurch is a British crime drama that I had been hearing a lot about and finally decided to watch, last weekend. The first season is available on Netflix, with just eight episodes, so it's easy to catch up on. The new season will be shown on BBC America starting on March 4th. This show definitely lived up to the hype and I am very glad I watched it. A crime is committed in the first episode and each subsequent episode gives you a few more clues, as the detective team gets closer to solving the case. The lead actors are fantastic and I especially loved Ellie, the detective sergeant, who was investigating her first murder. It's a whodunit that will shock you in the end.



I have written about my love of Grey's Anatomy before and this season is a good one. The departure of Christina, has changed the dynamic, but that has helped keep things fresh. Meredith and Derek are struggling, but their relationship is always the most interesting when things are complicated. After eleven seasons, a show might get stale at times, but this one continues to surprise and move me.



Finally, I am looking forward to the perfect winter escape; the return of House of Cards on Netflix. It starts on Friday, February 27th and I look forward to the new plots and twists. Frank Underwood as President and Claire Underwood as First Lady will be so interesting to watch. They finally have achieved the pinnacle of power they so craved. Will they use it for good or evil? And, I love the dresses and suits that Claire wears and can't wait to see her First Lady style.

Happy Thursday!



  1. I watched the American version of Broadchurch, Gracepoint, which I loved. The guy was the same but a different actress for the role of Ellie. Counting the minutes until I can watch Francis rule the world!!

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me know when House of Cards starts back! We've seen the advertisements on local TV, but it never said when it started back. Mr. Horton will especially be pleased! Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow night!

  3. We love all of those shows, and you are one of only a few I know who have stayed with Grey's Anatomy for all of the seasons!! My cousin, Justin Chambers, plays Alex, so we have been involved since the very beginning and would watch even without the family connection. I need to look for Gracepoint, now.

  4. Broadchurch and House of Cards are both on my to-watch list. I actually still need to watch season 2 of House of Cards!

  5. I watched Broadchurch a bit ago, loved it. This week I finally saw Birdman, which is already on dvd, and now I'm looking forward to Season 4 of Game of Thrones. Watching more screen stuff is one of the perks of winter, lol. :)

  6. I've been watching a lot more tv too! I've heard good things about it, being a mystery lover this is right up my alley! I've never seen House of Cards and stopped watching greys anatomy a long time ago. Watching TV is a good thing during winter.

  7. I need to jump on the House of Cards bandwagon. I know I will love it - not sure what I'm waiting for! I enjoy British mysteries because they are usually more focused on the mystery part than on the blood and gore part. I'll have to check out Broadchurch.


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