Friday, February 6, 2015

Two Books



Reading is getting me though these cold winter days and lately, I have read two good books. They couldn't be more different, but that is what makes reading fun. One day a psychological thriller and another a uplifting and humorous look at life. Life is never boring when there are books to be experienced.



I always read the Boo Mama blog with a smile on my face and sometimes a chuckle or two. Sophie Hudson's first book A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet, was a extension of her blog posts; humorous stories about her life in the south. Her new book, Home Is Where My People Are, surprised me a bit. The book takes you from her childhood, to present day and explores the relationships and people she meets along the way. The people who have made her who she is and what home means to her. While still funny at times, this book is very personal and deals with all aspects of her life including faith, her marriage and dealing with death. I enjoyed getting to know her life on different level than her blog.



After much hype, I decided to read The Girl on the Train and wondered if it would live up to my expectations. I did read it rather quickly, and there were times I could not put it down. But, and it's a big but, I'm not sure I really loved it. It gave me an unsettled feeling throughout and none of the characters were really likable. You wanted to know what happened, but the things that occurred were all very depressing. I would say, I definately had a love, hate relationship with this book. It's a good one to give a try and see what you think.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. That first book cover is really pretty:) Enjoy your day dear friend and thanks for the book reviews! HUGS!

  2. Great reviews, dear Vicki. I always appreciate your honesty. The Girl on a Train is on my list to read, but I don't think it will be my next one!

  3. I liked The Girl On The Train, but mostly I just wanted to see how it would end. Haven't read Boo Mama's book yet. I'm reading Kristin Hannah's, The Nightingale, now.

  4. I read The Girl On The Train . . . I have read many books. I expected a "really great/best" and received a "just okay." I got caught up in the hype . . . probably not wise. I must admit, I read right through, didn't put it down . . . I also must say, I figured it out, early on . . . what oes that say about me!

  5. I read it yesterday Vicki . . .

  6. think I read somewhere, that "The Girl on the Train" evokes thoughts of "Gone Girl"...

    and since I am in need of cozy mysteries, etc., right now, I don't think I'll try it...

    but my reading preferences change... soon I'll get tired, tired, tired of lighter. and want to delve into something, with more "meat." ,-)


  7. I just picked up Girl on a Train from the library today. I'm reading The Miniaturist right now, and have Home is Where My People Are on my kindle. My mom said Girl on a Train was too dark for her, it left her feeling a little depressed. Not a hearty recommendation : )

  8. I would probably pick the first one up just because the cover is so cute! Will have to look into Girl on a Train.

  9. A friend of mine is reading "Girl on a Train"..I'll be interested to see if she agrees..Enjoy your weekend..

  10. I've only recently discovered Boo Mama and her blog encouraged me to learn more about her. I just ordered a copy of her book last week! GMTA

    Girl On A Train is on my reading list. I don't care for dark stories, so I may have to reconsider this one. Thanks for the heads up!

  11. I find it tough to get through a book when I don't like or care what happens to the characters.


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