Monday, February 23, 2015

Mass Mob {February}




The day we decided to join our parish, I didn't realize how much that community of people would mean to us, twenty five years after the fact. But, now I do. As we sat in the pew at church waiting for more and more friends to arrive for our February Mass Mob, I was struck with the thought that we were lucky to be part of such a group. So many old friends, willing to do this thing that was started with a simple group email and join together for worship.



Each month, we add to our group as we travel to each new church. This month we were joined by a couple that had recently moved back from Philadelphia. They had been gone for nine years, but fit back in like the nine years had been the blink of an eye. We were also joined by our former parish priest, since it was his new church we attended. He was happy to see our group and many old memories and catching up with families was part of the conversation. He started at our parish and school the year my oldest daughter started first grade and was there through all those important school years; even coming to her high school to do the baccalaureate mass. So many wonderful memories.



After mass, brunch was a wonderful treat and as you can see from the photo, our table was a long one. The restaurant prepared a set menu, complete with our group's name printed at the top. Bloody Mary's were served to start and the food was delicious. But, it was the conversation between old friends that have been through the ups and downs of life, that made the day special.

Happy Monday!



  1. Vicki, your Mass Mob posts are always so inspiring! What a fun thing to do, and how great that old friends return and your "old" Priest could join you for this one!!

  2. I love this idea. Wish my church did this.

  3. I love that idea -- perhaps I should try to start a group at my church!!! It's really great!

  4. I love the Mass Mob idea. How wonderful that you have the comfort and community spirit of an active parish.

  5. That's a great idea..Lucky you..just one more group that you can be part of...

  6. What a wonderful time spent with friends! Enjoy your day dear friend, stay warm! HUGS!

  7. Vicki, is that Father Brian sitting to the left of the table in your photo?!

    1. Soooo..does that mean you belong to St. Fabian? That is my Church also, although, my children did not attend the school. I taught religious ed there in various grades from pre-K through middle school from '92 - '08. Father Brian presided over the marriage of my oldest daughter in '10. Small world!

  8. Ooops, I said left when I meant right.


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