Friday, February 27, 2015

Fashion Friday - Garden District Collection



We receive a lot of catalogs in the mail and I rarely give most a passing glance, before putting them in the recycle bin. But, the spring Land's End catalog cover caught my eye and I was drawn immediately to the collection featuring botanical prints. What a classic and fun way to incorporate something new for spring into your wardrobe. In the winter, I tend to wear a lot of black and grey, with maybe a touch of red for color. These subdued colors are great transition pieces between the dark colors of winter and summer brights. I already ordered the crop pants and they will be perfect for my trip to Florida next month. Hurry spring!





There are also shorts in a variety of garden prints and which come in longer lengths, that can be so difficult to find. I think any of these dresses, pants and shorts would be beautiful paired with a simple cardigan in a soft, spring color. There may be snow on the ground, but it is fun to plan a spring wardrobe and dream of the day when we can put our winter coats away for another season.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. The capris are very cute! If you are near central Florida (Tampa-Orlando) please let me know!! Perhaps we can meet for a quick hello!

  2. I was impressed with the prints and clothing in the most recent Land's End catalog too.
    A treat to see all the pretty new spring things!
    Especially with all this bitter cold nasty weather Michigan is experiencing!

  3. I wish I could think spring, but my body is too cold still. I admire your positive thinking!

  4. Thanks for the tip! Love the floral prints:) Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  5. so many cute things. I can't wait to put those coats in the closet!!!!! : )


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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