Thursday, February 5, 2015

Early February




So far, the early days of February have been all about the snow. A blizzard with a foot and a half of snow kept us home early in the week and two more measurable snowfalls have added to the fun. We were getting a little complacent around here, watching the record snowfalls in the east and thinking we were lucky to be having such a mild winter, when measuring our snowfall amounts. So far, February is making a mockery of that.



There becomes a rhythm to snowy days. You wake up to fresh snow and while it can be pretty, the driveway and sidewalks need to be cleared. Your coat, boots, hat and gloves are put on and off with regularity, every time you venture outside. Your world becomes a little smaller, and the paths a little narrower, as the snow piles up around you. The light is softer and even when the sun shines, there are shadows reflected off the expanses of snow.



The amounts of snow we are experiencing make spring time seem very far away. But we are tough here in Michigan. We are used to the long days of winter and know that spring always comes and surviving a snow filled winter, will make those first warm days all the sweeter.

Happy Thursday!



  1. Welcome to our East and West Michigan World!
    Out I go, boots, mitts, scarf, hat, warm jacket . . .
    Happy days of winter Vicki!

  2. and I figure, snow is just the-way-it-is, where I live. ,-) might as well accept it. or move.

    and we spent the first 3 months of one year, in FL. it was not my cup of tea.

    so, we stay. here in the snowy NE. and continue to enjoy the 4 seasons, into which we were born.


  3. Thank you for sharing the real truth about the snow. All we see is the beauty of the photos.....stay warm!

  4. Beautiful photos Vicki. I do have to say the summers in Michigan sure do make up for it!!

  5. I cannot even imagine it. How I would love to see snow like that....and feel the quiet of it all....would love to photograph in that light. Soooo different from anything we ever have around here.
    I just think it's gorgeous......typed from my sunroom looking out at sunshine and 60 degree temps.....I might not think it so gorgeous if I had to put a coat on everyday!!
    Stay warm.....

  6. I feel your pain, girlfriend. I am ready to throw in the towel on this winter thing. The only one who likes snow in our family is Chowdah. Enjoy your Thursday, Vicki!

  7. You said it....spring will be all that much sweeter! Be safe and stay warm!

  8. Beautiful both in photos and in words...
    Winter is a cozy season for us here in Pa too...
    Have a wonderful evening. : )

  9. Beautiful pictures! February is sure snowy where you are! NO snow here in the South! Have a blessed evening and stay warm! HUGS!

  10. With spring a mere 6-8 weeks away, I'm enjoying the snowfall we've had recently too. But my poor pup hates it with his short legs. So our 30 minutes walks are now a short 10 with him stopping and sitting along the way. The snow I don't mind, it's the cold that gets me. And it has been cold a lot lately.

  11. We've had several little snows but it will be here forever because it's so cold..

  12. It's a good thing that snow and icicles are so beautiful or we would all break up with winter for sure!

  13. Olá, querida
    Enquanto por aqui curtimos um calorão, aprecio neve por aí pra refrescar...
    Muito lindo o seu post!!!
    Bom descanso!!!
    Bjm fraternal


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