Thursday, February 19, 2015

40 Bags in 40 Days {2015}





As I reflect on the start of the Lenten season, as well as the start of my 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge, I know once again, this is the right thing for me to take on. As my priest said last year, instead of giving something up, take something on; something that can be a reflection of your faith.

This act of decluttering is good for the soul. It creates space in your home, but it also creates space in your mind. Space to think about what's important. Space for reflection. Space that helps you breath.

I will use these 40 days of Lent to perform this physical act, but it will be a spiritual act as well. I will give up those things that weigh me down, but might also help others. This is my third year doing the 40 bags in 40 Days challenge and I have learned a lot. This year I will be delving even deeper, to find those items I no longer need. Those items I may have been saving for a rainy day, but can help others more.

Some do this challenge by filling one bag each day. I do things a little different. I find an area, such as a closet or room that needs my attention and fill as many bags as I can; both trash and donation. Slowly, but surely, over the 40 days, the number of bags add up. The clutter may not be obvious, but I know it's there. And, the act of taking those bags out of your home is powerful. I can't wait to get started.

Happy Thursday!


Linking With Between Naps on the Porch and Savvy Southern Style



  1. I love this idea. I am not sure I'll be able to follow through, but I pledge to start. :)

  2. Good for you Vicki . . .
    I plan some of that de-cluttering as well . . .
    I am going to take a look at some personal habits, routines, actions, thoughts and do some serious de-cluttering there too . . .

  3. I agree, it is not always giving up something, but rather the action of doing something! I love this idea and many of the others that people have shared recently.

  4. Thanks for dropping by my tea post and leaving a nice comment. Your 40 bags for 40 days sounds like an admirable project. When I am at home in Ontario, the Diabetes foundation phones ahead once a month to see if people have any clothes, books, furniture and small appliance donations. I regularly give to them to keep our cupboards and clothes cleaned out and they pick up the bags right at the front door.

  5. What a wonderful challenge, Vicki. I don't think I have 40 bags left, but I can always find things to take to Goodwill. xo Laura

  6. This is inspiring! I like your method of doing the challenge; I think I'm going to do my best to give it a try this year again. :)

  7. I so enjoyed this series of posts last year, and look forward to reading about your challenge again this year. We declutter often - I gave MANY clothes to charity last year. It was time to really weed out the closet for things I don't wear. Our charity for non-cash contributions is Salvation Army. Stay warm!

  8. sounds like a great challenge Vicki. I think I've gotten rid of my 40 bags already this year.. and it feels awesome!!!!! I read this quote that said.. if you wouldn't buy it now, then get rid of it.
    Have fun!!!!

  9. I'm doing things a bit differently this year too - tackling one room at a time. I'm sure that the 40 bags will add up over the 40 days.
    Also for lent, we are purging junk food from our diets. I don't expect to lose 40 pounds in 40 days - but 10 would be nice. That's 1/4 lb. per day- that sounds doable!

  10. This is a challenge I need to take up! Thank you for sharing it!

  11. I love this - and the eloquence of your post is beautiful. I have a starter list if you need to get the mojo going...
    Found you through Between Naps on the Porch - thank you for sharing!

  12. I love the idea of taking something on...I have to think about this!


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