Thursday, January 29, 2015

Two Super Bowl Winners



With the Super Bowl this Sunday, you might be looking for a recipe to either take to a party or serve at your home while watching the big game. We have plans to watch the MSU versus UofM basketball game for the early part of the day, so am not real sure of our Super Bowl watching plans at this point. Both of these recipes are perfect for a cold winter day and are crowd favorites, whenever I make them.


Hot Creamy Sausage Dip


White Chicken Chili


It seems like January has flown by, which is quite unusual, but I think part of the reason is that tonight, I am hosting my second party in two weeks. Last week I hosted Bunco and tonight I will be hosting my book club. It is turning into a small group which will be fun, as we can all easily fit around the dining room table for the dinner I have planned. I will be cooking up a storm today, but look forward to spending the day in the kitchen. I have flowers to put in vases and candles to be lit - all the fun details of entertaining.

Happy Thursday!



  1. You are busy!! It's fun to have friends in, though. Thanks for the yummy recipes! I've printed off several this morning, to try at home!

  2. They both sound delicious and perfect for a football weekend.

  3. Yep, January did kinda fly by. Hope your book club dinner went well. Happy weekend! Tammy

  4. We're entertaining again this weekend - just casual lasagna and card playing. But it will be fun like your night, i'm sure.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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