Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Soft Lights




We have only had a few days of sunshine since the end of December. I know this for a fact, because my new sunglasses that I received for Christmas have barely been out of their case. But, that is typical for winter in Michigan. We are used to heavy, gray skies filled with snow. One of my morning rituals chases away some of that gloom and lends some cheery, soft light to the dark corners of my rooms.

A little lamp in the kitchen stays in place year round and gives a welcome bit of light even on the darkest of mornings.



This grapevine tree, wrapped with white lights, stayed put after Christmas and will give a soft glow to my fireplace throughout the winter months.



On the desk in my kitchen this glass block filled with lights and wrapped in a burlap bow, keeps the gloom away from that space. There are snowflakes on the front, visible when the light shines through. Here are directions to make this, but I have since removed the letters, changed the bow and added more of the small snowflakes. I liked the simplicity of that look better.



I have always loved the light that softly shines upward from this night light type lamp in my bedroom. It is such an unexpected and whimsical piece.

It's snowing again this morning and no sun in sight, so all these soft lights are lit and their soft glow makes this and every morning a little easier to wake up to.

Happy Tuesday!


{Linking with these friends}

A Stroll Thru Life

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Serenity Now

Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

Craftberry Bush

Live Laugh Rowe

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

DIY by Design


Thrifty Decor Chick



  1. I can sort of understand what you mean. I live in the suburbs of Houston, TX and we have not had much sunshine in the last month or so. I am happy to report that we just had 3 days of sunshine and it looks like today will the be the same. So much darkness makes you truly appreciate the sun and it's beautiful shadows. Take care.

  2. I love having little lights on. Our place is very dark because the sun comes up on the opposite side and the windows are tinted which helps to keep things cool during the hot summer, but no so good when you want natural light at this time of year. We have lamps in every room. Have a good week. Tammy

  3. We have long gloomy winters here in the Pacific Northwest ~~~I too, keep little lamps on, most are just 15 watts and some that take chandelier bulbs have a small night light bulb. Best ~ Mickie

  4. I too love smaller amber glowing lights, especially on dreary days. That and flowers!

  5. I have never liked bright lights and I detest ceiling lights...My TV pretty much lights up the whole living room..The microwave light takes care of the kitchen and I have a night light in the bathroom..That's it unless I'm doing something that requires more light..Love your subtle ones..

  6. I can take the cold and even the snow, but I definitely need sunshine. Love your lighting choices!

  7. The lights are lovely!! It's awesome how lights, even small ones, can add dimension to a room or space, and just make you feel so much better! Thank for sharing!

  8. I love all your soft lights, especially the glass block. Although CA is known for it's sunshine, our little condo can be dark in the morning and evening and I do the same thing with little lighted areas. It just cheers me up to see the glow and feels comforting. Ann

  9. I love soft lights too, Vicki. IT keeps everything so homey. xo Laura

  10. It really has been a gloomy month despite the cold temperatures. Your little lights will keep things brighter

  11. My house is scattered with light! Big and small lamps that I love to turn on in the evening and early morning:) Love your lights in your home! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  12. Love all of your touches of light. The days are sloooowly getting longer. : ) Have a great day.

  13. Great ideas! Soft little lights make the house so much cozier this time of year. That's something we continue to work on in our house because we seem to have lots of dark corners.

  14. Cloudy winter days give way to a very early sunset making sunshine an extremely sparse commodity, right? I have to say that my very favorite winter days are those when the sun does finally shine in a bright blue sky reflecting off of a fresh layer of snow!

  15. I'm glad you have some pretty soft glow to help brighten your days! I am a sunshine girl and think I would have a hard time living where the skies were gray for a long time. We get snow and cold, but the sun shines a lot! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. There's nothing more magical than the glow of twinkle lights!

  17. I think I have that little light in the first photo and I love it, too! I have a few small lamps and electric candles that I keep lit up during the dark months! Their glow makes everything feel a little bit cozier.

  18. We love to leave a few Christmas lights or garlands up after Christmas. It is so nice to see it when the sun goes down at 4-5 pm. So little daylight, it is comforting to have the soft glow of the Christmas lights.Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!


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