Monday, January 19, 2015

January Mass Mob



Our January mass mob group attended Saturday night mass at Our Lady of Lasalette church, a neighborhood parish church that was founded in the 1920's, but recently saw the sad closing of its parish school. So many of our parishes in the Detroit Archdiosese have fallen on hard times as the neighborhoods around them age. We were happy to bring our group to this iconic church.


After mass, we headed to Royal Oak, an area filled with trendy restaurants and bars for dinner and catching up, after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It was nice to just sit, talk and enjoy some wonderful food and good wine with friends.



The restaurant set us up at a long, rustic table, in sight of the wood fired pizza ovens in the kitchen and it was a cozy and lively place to be on a winter night. As we sometimes do, we were seated with women at one end of the long table and men at the other, so we could easily talk. Our dinner was served family style and platters of salad, two kinds of pasta and three wonderful and tasty pizzas were brought to the table for sharing.

It was a perfect way to spend a Saturday night in January. Next month we will be visiting the new parish of our favorite priest and friend, who moved on from our home parish and who we miss very much. He will be joining us for brunch, so it should be a lovely time.

Happy Monday!



  1. Enjoying times with old friends helps the sadness of this, I'm sure....:)JP

  2. I think doing this with your group of friends is such a great idea!! Gathering for dinner (or brunch) after Mass is also fun. Looks like a great group of friends!!

  3. We, too, had so many Chicago area catholic schools close. Very sad. It's good that the churches are still doing well in your area. And you sound like a dedicated and lively group. The restaurant sounds like fun!

    Jane x

  4. Such good friends and happy times together . . .
    Sad to hear about so many churches closing.
    Nice your former priest will join youfor brunch next time the Mass Mob gets together!

  5. What a wonderful way to spend a cold January night!!


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