Friday, January 30, 2015

Hosting Book Club




The day of hosting a party at your home can be stressful if you let it, but I like to take my time with my preparations and move through the day, doing one chore at a time. I usually start by doing all my cooking and prep in the kitchen, so I don't have to clean it twice. As I move to cleaning, I set up each room, as I go, with flowers and candles; almost like a reward, since that is the fun part of the process. I like to leave myself time to relax and get ready and then do all the last minute jobs, such as lighting candles and opening wine.



My book club friends are the most appreciative guests; complimenting everything. I used lots of candles in the dining room and it lent a cozy atmosphere to the night, encouraging us to linger over dinner. It was a smaller group, but that was nice too, with everyone able to join in the conversation.

Since it was a cold and snowy January night, I served a simple meal of salad, soup and rolls. When hosting, it is best to make recipes used before, so there are no surprises. My friends were very complimentary about the menu - Antipasto Salad (recipe next week), a light and delicious Turkey Meatball Spinach Soup and easy to prepare, Individual Tiramisu for dessert.

Our book discussion was about the first Louise Penny mystery and while I didn't love the book, the discussion was interesting and lively, as they always are. Since the hostess picks the the book to read next, I picked Wild by Cheryl Strayed, perhaps one my favorite books I read last year. I think it will prove to be a wonderful book for discussion. I adore my book club and hosting such a fun group of ladies.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Looks great, Vicki! Hope you have a Super Weekend!


  2. Tiramisu keeps me awake so I prefer it for breakfast..Your table looked amazing..You seem to do it so easily..I know that you entertain often and are entertained often as well...Enjoy the game...s

  3. I love how you decorated the table, simple and elegant. I hosted a bridal shower recently in my home and lets just say there was baby's breath everywhere. I do enjoy when these events allow you to get a little creative. Thanks for sharing, have a great weekend too and I am visiting from Puzzle Me Complete. Hope you can pop in an visit.

  4. What an elegant setting! I'm sure your friends loved being in your home, and your gracious hospitality! I linked to the recipe for the soup. It is very much like Italian Wedding Soup. I make my meatballs smaller and bake them in the oven before adding to the soup. I also drizzle two eggs into the broth while it is very hot. Yum!!

  5. What a great book club evening. I'm not an especial Louise Penny fan, but I do like mysteries. Your menu sounds fabulous!

  6. Looks and sounds lovely and relaxing . . .
    I saw the movie WILD last night . . .

  7. Very pretty!
    Your book club sounds like a great group.
    And I confess to being a HUGE Louise Penny fan. She is an amazing writer. I have not, however, read Wild.

  8. Beautiful table setting and the menu sounds wonderful! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  9. I can just imagine you seated at your table surrounded by fun, happy girlfriends!!
    A perfect evening!! Stay warm~~

  10. Looks like a great evening! Your table looks lovely. Always interested in hearing what your club is reading and how you liked it. Enjoy your Sunday, Vicki!

  11. It is so fun entertaining, especially when your guests are so appreciative. What a lovely table!


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