Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Movie and a Book




Before Melissa headed back to college (for her last semester!) we finally went to see Mockingjay, the first part of the third installment of the Hunger Games series. I had heard so much about this movie before seeing it, mostly negative, that I wasn't really that excited. I had heard that without any hunger games involved, it wasn't that exciting and that the ending was strange. I have to admit, while I agree with both those reviews, I still liked the movie a lot and thought it was a very good representation of the book, which is much darker. And, the ending could have been so much better, just by stopping five minutes earlier, but it still made me want to go and see part two. Jennifer Lawrence, as Katniss, is great as always.



The book, Everything I Never Told You, was recommended by Katie at Preppy Empty Nester and I was excited to read it, since our taste in books is similar. It was a marvelous first novel by the author and reminded me very much of The Lovely Bones. As a family tries to make sense of the death of their daughter and are torn apart by grief, you will be haunted by the secrets this young girl kept and the pressure she was under from both her parents. It is a cautionary tale of parents living their life through a child.

Happy Thursday!



  1. I have not seen this movie but have heard lots about it! Enjoy your day dear friend! Looks like a great day for a warm fire and a good book:) HUGS!

  2. Everything I Never Told You is on my library reserve list...can't wait! Right now, I have The Goldfinch checked out. It has good reviews, but I'm a little intimidated by the 700+ pages. It might be a little to literary for me!

  3. I will have to add that book to my list.

  4. One more to add to my list . . . Thank YOU . . .
    Not into Hunger Games though . . .

  5. I've been a Hunger Games fan and of course, saw this one. Probably the one I liked the least in the series, but worth seeing. I especially like the supporting characters. They bring so much to the story, and really stood out.

  6. I loved the Hunger Games books and look forward to this movie. I may wait until it hits 'On Demand' through our cable company, though. Thanks for the reviews!

  7. I am such a wimp. I have strict a "no harm to children" rule about the books I read so neither Hunger Games nor Everything I Never Told You is on my list...


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