Friday, January 9, 2015

A List for The New Year





It has taken me a while to think this list through. It's not because the list is long. For the most part I am content and really have no need for grand plans for the new year. I don't believe in resolutions, because I don't believe in setting myself up for failure. I don't think you can predict what can be thrown your way during a year or what you will ultimately be able to accomplish. But, there is something about turning the calendar once again that makes the new twelve months a blank slate, ready to be filled with plans. Here are some of mine.


1. A little more travel

2. A lot more golf

3. Continue to exercise - more yoga on the days the weather is too bad for walking

4. Start and complete update of guest bathroom

5. Come up with a plan for a master bath renovation

6. Keep doing what I need to do to reduce stress

7. Complete another 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge during Lent

8. Plant more flowers for cutting in my garden - making bouquets makes me happy

9. Finally figure out Google +

10. Simplify wherever I can


Here's to a healty and happy 2015. Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I am going for. #7 . . . (I may begin before Lent though!)

  2. If you figure out Google+, let me know. I didn't want to make a profile but finally had to since there are several blogs that made the complete switch to that so I couldn't leave comments without having a profile myself. Very aggravating. I don't really like having so many accounts and profiles and new tech stuff to learn. :) Good luck with all your plans for the year. Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Ugh I have no use for Google +. I'm signed up but I do nothing with it. I like the idea of making a list of goals which would help me keep track on my random brain bouncing thoughts that I have! Perhaps if hubby gets a chance to look at some of my goals I'll have a better chance of getting some of them done!

  4. Vicki... when you figure out Google+ will you tutor me? I can't figure it out for the life of me. Have a great weekend!

  5. I would appreciate any posts on your learning curve with Google+ ! Also, #s3, 6, and 8 are on my list as well. Happy New Year!

  6. Ha!! My way of reducing stress is NO LISTS !! I go day by day and do what needs to be done..or not..Works for me..But then, I've never been a list person..I don't think I'm using Google +...What ever this year brings , I hope it will be full and rewarding..

  7. Your list contains lots of things good for you to enrich your life, go for it. Why do women think we have to be killing ourselves and accomplishing things to feel good? Am I only one that feels that way? If I take a day off to really relax I feel guilty all day, duh. Maybe due to being older (74 1/2)) than many of you smart gals of later generations? It's how my generation was raised.
    Good luck with your smart list, hope you do every one of them.
    I'm not a resolution or list person, just go day by day, get done what I can. Wish hubs would let me take awful, ugly carpet out of our room and living room. Would be so much easier to clean bare floors and mop, lots quicker also. We have area rug down in our room and living room to cover awful carpet to some degree. Guess that would be good goal, get awful carpet out of rooms. And definitely get better vacuum that doesn't kill us to use. Guess I need a list after all, a short one but a list, lol. Happy New Year

  8. Great items on your list, especially the Google+ thing. I still haven't really figured it out either. I even signed up for an on-line workshop where they talked about it....not enough background knowledge to really get a handle. I'll be interested in what you learn this year. I'll also be looking forward to seeing your remodels and gardening photos. Happy 2015!!!!

  9. Last year, I joined you on the 40 Days and 40 Bags challenge and really enjoyed it. The whole Google + thing is an ongoing thing with me too. Can't seem to figure it out at all.

    Once I have my back surgery, I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back to golf and yoga.

    Come on spring so we cam get back into our gardens.

  10. When you figure out Google+ will you please teach me? Pretty please!!


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