Friday, December 26, 2014

Mimosa Bar




My family always celebrates Christmas with a brunch on Christmas Eve. It is a wonderful and easy tradition, with a meal that is easy for the hostess to put together. We serve a variety of egg dishes, ham, spinach potatoes, quiche, fruit, bagels and this year I added a delicious strawberry, cream cheese french toast.

Another part of the festivities are the mimosas we serve as everyone arrives. I decided to prepare a Mimosa Bar this year with everything set up for ease of serving and it looked pretty too. In two special glass pitchers, I pored both orange juice and cranberry juice. Sparkling champagne glasses were lined up and a good quality prosecco was in an ice bucket, chilling. A dish with raspberries sat on the counter too for a lovely and festive garnish.

When my family arrived, the mimosas were easily offered and served, with the choice of traditional orange juice, cranberry juice or a delicious mixture of the two juices. As brunch was being put on the buffet table, everyone was happy with a festive drink in their hand, because our family Christmas celebration had arrived for another year.

Happy Friday!


{Linking with these friends}


Rattlebridge Farm

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style

Gooseberry Patch


  1. What a great idea! I think I will try this next year with my kids. They are all so busy Christmas Eve brunch sounds like fun!

  2. Sounds lovely Vicki . . .
    Sometimes the best times are those when we are celebrating family traditions . . .

  3. Great idea! We always have mimosas on Christmas morning too!

  4. Sounds like a great tradition, Vicki! And I love the photo of your girls in the matching pajamas in your previous post!

  5. Happy New Year, dear Vicki! The mimosas look delish!!

  6. Looks like fun about to happen:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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