Monday, December 8, 2014

First Week in December




The first week in December is always the week that will tell me how my Christmas preparations are going. I like to check as many things off my list as possible, and the more I accomplish, the more I know that I will ultimately be able to enjoy the days leading up to the holiday. My number one goal, this fist week, was to get all my decorating done, including the finished basement. Everything was done by Friday, including two trees decorated, all the fall decor packed away and all the Christmas storage bins back in their spot. I even had time to take a picture of my puppy, in front of the tree and send a bit of Christmas cheer from home to my daughters.



Because I worked so hard during the week on all the decorating, I was able to take Saturday off and go to a MSU basketball game. We had a great time and even were able to take Melissa to dinner for a study break during finals week. And speaking of MSU, I thought we would be planning a fun trip to Florida for New Year's Eve to watch the Orange Bowl, but things shifted in the bowl picks and MSU is now going to the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. We were excited about a trip to Miami, but since we used to live in Dallas, aren't really feeling the need to go. We will be watching from home this year, on New Year's Day.



I passed this Christmas tree display at the mall on Sunday afternoon many times, as I wound my way around the long line to see Santa, thanking my lucky stars I did not have to stand in it myself. The other big thing on my mental list of holiday preparations was Christmas shopping. Between cyber Monday (I'm a big fan) and my afternoon at the mall, I was able to check many names off my gift list and it now feels manageable. It is such a good feeling and while I don't shop early, I do try to finish by the second week in December, leaving plenty of time to wrap, unrushed and with Christmas music setting the mood.

Next on the list; Christmas cards and Christmas cookie baking.

Happy Monday!



  1. Sounds like you are almost ready for Christmas. We ended up sick over Thanksgiving and I've been playing catch-up every since. I'll be finished with decorating and wrapping this week, though!

    Sorry you won't get to go to Florida but the Cotton Bowl isn't so bad. You'll have fun hosting a party in your beautiful home, I'm sure!! MIZZOU lost to 'Bama, but still received a bowl bid - the Citrus. Some our friend will be heading to Florida but we'll be watching at home.

  2. Sounds like a busy but productive week!

  3. Wow it seems you were very busy. I need to get the move on.

  4. Fun post! Love the picture of your puppy by the Christmas tree. Kudos to you for your efficiency. We're in the midst of a home renovation project and there's no place to even put our tree. My husband says there will be by this weekend. Sure hope so. Happy Monday to you too!

  5. I enjoyed you post too! I want your puppy, what a cutie! We have only enough space for a very small tree...and I like it that way.. Great your week has been productive. Sometimes I feel by the time I have my holiday decorating done, it's time to take it all down!

  6. Your puppy is so cute! I am a little behind with decorating this year but hopefully it will be done over the next couple of days! Have a lovely week:)

  7. Our decorating is done, and I hope to get started on cards this week. I am also hosting my lunch-bunch girlfriends here on Friday, so I have a menu to plan and gifts to finish!

  8. I agree its a busy time. I kicked off season by doing all the "Christmas" things I did as a child in visit to Chicago since I am emptynester too! see

    You might enjoy a new book my friend wrote" Everything I I need to know about Christmas, I learned from a Little Golden Book" ..Good luck with the cookies and cards.

  9. I'm with you on getting my house in order the first week. This week is shopping and baking.

  10. Our family members in Nashville called to see if we would be heading there for the bowl game. No thank you, we replied. We will just watch our team get crushed by LSU from the comfort of our own home.

  11. Making a list . . . checking it twice . . .
    Sounds like you will make your goal!
    Me too . . .
    (Loved the pup sitting so pretty by the tree!)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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