Monday, December 15, 2014

Bunco Holiday Progressive Party




My neighborhood Bunco group has a holiday tradition, where we have a progressive event to make our holiday party special. We have members from all around the neighborhood, and while the majority are on my street, there is a group on an adjacent street that were the hostesses this year. We had a wonderful time and started out at the first home with martinis (cosmos - my favorite) and appetizers that everyone prepared.



We moved to the next home, right across the street, with appetizers in hand, to continue the party, where bunco was played. Our hostess served lovey, light and crisp prosecco, garnished with festive pomegranate seeds. As always, we manage to eat, drink and talk while getting in two lively and fun rounds of Bunco.



This decadent, chocolate tuxedo cake awaited at our last stop, where we enjoyed dessert, Kaluha spiked coffee with whipped cream and even a few toasts to our 20 plus years together. We opened presents, each more thoughtful than the next and truly meant what we said in those toasts - here's to many more years of celebrating with neighborhood friends.

Happy Monday!



  1. I love those progressive parties! Makes it so easy for each host! Looks like a great time!

  2. You are so fortunate to have such a great group of friends,,Enjoy your Holidays !!

  3. A perfectly wonderful neighborhood to live!
    (Cake looks like a "mighty YUM!")


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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