Monday, December 29, 2014

After Christmas Fun




While Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were busy with family parties, the days after the holidays are always relaxing, yet still fun. We try to spend time together, even if it is just going to the mall and making returns and exchanges or watching football at home. I just love having my daughters home and they love nothing more than being cozy on the couch, with a fire burning, Harry Potter marathons on the television and a kitchen full of snacks just steps away.

Saturday night we ventured out to dinner at a Japanese steak house, just minutes from our neighborhood. It is always a fun way to enjoy a meal and we had not been back for a few years, but the food was still as good as we remembered.



Yesterday, my daughter, Megan and I saw Into The Woods and both enjoyed it very much. I have not seen the play, or really knew much about it, but it is a clever reimagination of the fairy tales so familiar to all. The songs were perfect for moving the story forward and the actor's singing voices were very good for the most part. My only issue was with Meryl Streep and I know many love her and would disagree with me. I just feel there are other actors with stronger voices, who would have been better suited for the part. She is very good, but I find her singing a distraction. The other actors, including Emily Blunt and Johnny Depp were really good.

Happy Monday!



  1. I want to see that movie! Looks like you've had fun hanging with your girls! : ) If I don't "see" you before then.. Happy New Year!

  2. I was disappointed when I found out on FB that this movie was a musical. Not what I expected. We may wait to see it when it comes out on DVD.

  3. I will probably wait for that movie to hit Netflix or On Demand. We saw Unbroken. It was a little too long, but well done and a true story worth telling. I want to see Big Eyes this week! I enjoyed your re-cap! Your girls are so lovely.

  4. A friend and I chatted about the movie today. I haven't seen it, she had . . .
    How nice you and your daughters enjoy being with one another so much . . .
    My daughter and I enjoy being with each other too . . .
    Happy New Year Vicki . . .

  5. This is on my list! I can understand what you mean. She is not known for her singing so either don't have her sing, or get someone who can. Ann

  6. We always do the movie thing at Christmas too. I'm not sure which one we will see on Saturday. I was thinking of Into the Woods. Glad to hear that it was good despite Meryl's singing.

  7. Oh yes, the girls in the house, a fire in the fireplace and snacks not far away... PERFECT! Have a blessed week and year ahead dear friend, HUGS!

  8. There is nothing better than relaxing times at home with family! I'm so glad you and your girls had that time together. Into the Woods is on my list to see. We say Birdman a couple of weeks ago. I guess it was well done and maybe we just didn't understand it. My husband and I left the theater, looked at each other and said, "what just happened?!"


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