Friday, December 12, 2014

A Book Club Christmas




We celebrated the Christmas season at my book club last night with our yearly dinner and gift exchange and like always, did not schedule a book discussion. We were having way to much fun and chose to keep our holiday dinner about the lovely meal and the company of good friends.


As we arrived, we all remarked on the beauty of the decorations in our lovely hostesses home and right away we were put in the holiday spirit. The wine was poured and everyone began to enjoy the opportunity to be together to celebrate the holiday season.



Our dinner; spendini, an Italian beef dish of thinly sliced steak, rolled with proscuitto and provolone, served with homemade strozza preti (Choke the Priest) pasta, was sinfully delicious. And the dessert was so beautiful too. There were three cakes to choose from; lemon, raspberry and chocolate and almost everyone had a sliver of each, with authentic Italian spumoni on the side.



At the end of the evening, as is our tradition, we exchanged gifts by bringing a favorite thing. The best part of this tradition is the story told of why that particular item is a favorite and the love with which it is received. We all agreed that by serendipity, everyone received the perfect gift, perfectly suited to them.

There was much love and friendship in evidence all through the night.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Fun! Aren't good friends the best?!!
    And your spiked hot chocolate?? I am ALL over that ...putting on my grocery list right now!

  2. Oh this sounds like so much fun. Wonderful. Hug B

  3. How fun, Vicki! The food looks fabulous. I'd love a night like this and you look so cute with your good friends! :)

    Merry Christmas!


  4. Sounds like another fun night..Never heard of that pasta!!


  5. Me ha encantado tu post, tienes cosas muy interesantes, felicidades por tu bloc. Te invito a visitar el mio, esta semana ponemos espíritu navideño en el exterior, espero que te guste. Ah! Si no eres seguidora deseo que te hagas, gracias por visitarme.Te espero en

  6. The friendships you have are delightful. Between Book Club, Bunco and your neighbors . . . you have found GOLD!


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