Thursday, November 6, 2014

Simple Method to Preserve Fall Leaves




As I was starting to think about my plans for my Thanksgiving table setting this year, I remembered that I had read somewhere that there was a simple method to preserve fall leaves by using Mod Podge. If there is one thing I have an over abundance of at this time of year, it is leaves, so I easily went outside and gathered the number I needed, ( I chose gold Maple leaves, but any kind would work) and gave it a try.



Setting up a work area was quickly accomplished by lining up a row of paper plates to put the leaves on for drying. I brushed each leaf with the Mod Podge, using a small foam brush, carefully covering the front and back sides and going all the way to the edges. The Mod Podge goes on white, but dries clear after about one hour.



The leaves are beautiful now with a slightly shiny, waxy coating. Each one kept its original color and texture and will keep their freshly fallen appearance through Thanksgiving. This simple project took very little time, but will have a big impact on my Thanksgiving table. My plan is to use a unique leaf at each place setting. Keeping the long stems intact gives me the opportunity to add a tag and use them as place cards. This will be a simple, yet dramatic natural element to add to the table, with little to no cost.

Happy Thursday!


{Linking with these friends}

A Stroll Thru Life

My 1929 Charmer

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Serenity Now

Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

Craftberry Bush

Live Laugh Rowe

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

DIY by Design

Coastal Charm


Thrifty Decor Chick



  1. great tip Vicki, thank you for sharing it. I wonder if this would also work on boxwood trimmings,?

  2. Oh boy! This tip is going to come in SO handy!

  3. What a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. What a good idea! I wish I'd thought of this when my neighborhood was still full of red and orange delight! :) Next year for sure!

  5. What a great idea! They are really come down here now that we had a cold snap this past weekend.

  6. How pretty, Vicki! The leaves will be very pretty on your table. You are making a house a home, and a warm, lovely one at that - and you're making memories for your girls. :)

  7. Great idea Vicki . . .please take pictures of your table at thanksgiving, so we can see!

  8. I LOVE Mod Podge. It is amazing stuff. Your table will look so pretty with those leaves at each place setting. Please share a photo of your table, once it is set!!

  9. They are beautiful Vicki..Thanks for sharing that technique..Will have to try it..Good idea..

  10. Thanks...I have a whole container of Mod Podge. Please let me find some good leaves!


  11. Awesome idea!! Never thought of using Mod Podge that way!!

  12. Hi Vicky, wow you make that look so simple! I will have to buy some Modge Podge the next time I am in Michael's! Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend.

  13. I need to remember this for next year! All the leaves are gross here now...

  14. What a great idea! And so wonderful to have an effective way to preserve the leaves!

  15. Thank you for this idea. I have lots of leaves but they dry and turn brown so soon after bringing them in. I have lots of Mod Podge and will give this a try.

  16. The leaves with tags attached will be beautiful on your table! I love the natural beauty that they bring to the table. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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