Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Overnight Cranberry French Toast




One of the things I always try to do to make Thanksgiving morning special, is prepare a breakfast dish the night before that I can easily pop in the oven, while the busy morning of preparations goes along. In our family, we have fans of savory egg dishes, but also fans of the sweeter side. This Overnight Cranberry French Toast is a recipe that may work well for Thanksgiving morning, but I wanted to give it a try first to see if it was as delicious as it sounded. I quickly made a half batch late last night, to enjoy for breakfast this morning and found it to be simple and quick to put together. There is no added sugar and I used the whole wheat bread I had on hand, so all in all, this is pretty healthy for a sweet breakfast treat.

I served this with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and the red cranberries gave it a beautiful, festive look. The cranberries also gave this dish a burst of tart flavor, perfect for this time of year. By cutting the bread into cubes, you insure that the egg mixture is soaked up completely, and will cook evenly unlike some baked french toast recipes. I may make an egg casserole to satisfy the savory loving crowd, but this sweet and flavorful treat will also be on my Thanksgiving morning menu.


Overnight Cranberry French Toast

4 eggs

1 1/2 cups lowfat milk

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 T vanilla

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp nutmeg

5 - 6 cups French bread cut into cubes ( I used whole wheat)

1 cup fresh cranberries

Add the eggs to a large mixing bowl and whisk well. Add the milk, maple syrup and vanilla. Add the cinnamon and nutmeg. Whisk well, making sure all ingredients are combined. Stir in cubes of bread until coated evenly. Stir in cranberries.

Spray a 2 quart baking dish with butter flavored cooking spray. Pour egg and bread mixture into baking dish. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit in fridge overnight.

When ready to bake, remove plastic wrap, cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes in a 375 degree oven. Serve with powdered sugar sprinkled on top or a drizzle of maple syrup. Enjoy!


{Linking with these friends}


Rattlebridge Farm

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style

Gooseberry Patch



  1. Vicki,
    As I was scrolling through my blog roll, you and your recipe popped up!
    I love this idea, and I love the ingredients and no fuss attitude!
    This is a keeper for certain, pinning it and making it!
    Have a lovely day,

  2. Mmmm. That looks pretty delicious! I'll have to pass this recipe on to my hubby. He's the French toast maker in this house. :-)

  3. That sounds really, really good, Vicki! I'm printing off your recipe to try. :)

  4. Going to get cranberries today to do a trial run as we'll! Sounds like perfect turkey morning fare!

  5. French toast + cranberries = best way to start the day. Looks delish.

  6. Sounds good, looks good, probably tastes good too...thanks for sharing Vicki. Have a good day.

  7. we never have breakfast on thanksgiving.. things are always so crazy in the kitchen that morning. I love the idea of making it ahead of time ... this year will be different ~ I am totally going to try this. Thank you for sharing ( and trying it out ahead of time. )

  8. This sounds delicious. I might try this with gluten free bread. xo Laura

  9. Just stick a chef's hat on you and call you Betty Crocker!! You've been cooking up a storm lately!

  10. Looks delicious. I have yet to attempt gluten free french toast!!

  11. That looks and sounds SO good!! We love French toast and cranberries...makes sense to put them together.

  12. Hmmm, this looks like a great way to get the Great Scot to try cranberries!

  13. Sounds and looks very good . . . and a good lighter start to Thanksgiving Day.

  14. This is the perfect Thanksgiving breakfast. Delicious and no fuss for the cook.

  15. YUM! Enjoy your day dear friend! Now I am hungry:) HUGS!

  16. You are smart to give the recipe a trial run before the big day. I've made that mistake more than once...you'd think I would learn. This French toast looks delicious!

  17. What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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