Friday, November 14, 2014

Looking Ahead




I am looking ahead to spring today and planting my fall bulbs and scattering wildflower seeds. We have a slight dusting of early snow on the ground here in Michigan, but I won't let that stop me from one last gardening chore, before winter truly sets in. In fact, the conditions are perfect for the wildflower seeds, because the instructions say to scatter after a hard frost. I have a patch of wildflowers at the back of my perennial garden, near the woods and while pretty, the patch could use some filling in. Abundance is good when it comes to flower gardening.



The daffodil bulbs will be naturalized into the edge of the woods. In the spring as the ground cover just begins to return, I hope to see bright yellow daffodils mixed throughout. If you are planting fall bulbs, invest in a bulb planter. It makes it so easy, with the twist of your wrist, to place the bulb the correct depth and cover the hole back in with dirt. Like anything, the process goes quicker with the right tool. The daffodil bulbs and wildflower seeds were purchased at American Meadows.

Planting fall bulbs always gives big rewards in the spring, when those bright spots of color mean so much after a long winter.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. You're absolutely right, Vicki! Daffodils naturalize so beautifully; they are such good multipliers. Your yard and woods will be colorful in the spring.

  2. And the wonderful thing about daffodils is that rodents don't like them. I once planted about 50 tulips and not one survived the rodents who apparently think that tulips are their favorite food.

  3. It's going to be beautiful Vicki! When we bought our current house, the yard had been neglected for quite a while.... overgrown evergreens everywhere, trash-filled 'pond', cockleburrs infesting the back yard. Bit by bit, we're hacking our way through the jungle so maybe one day it will look like a proper garden.

  4. Smart vicki!!! I plan to redo my front garden this spring.. I wish I had planned it out better, I would plant some bulbs too.
    have a great weekend.

  5. Great idea to sow the Wildflower seeds now . . . I think I will do just that today. Older seeds but just maybe some will pop . . .

  6. I think that planting spring bulbs is one of the best ways we look ahead. It's planting for the future!!

  7. Not on my radar at all, but I sure do enjoy seeing the beauty around me. I do not enjoy yard work, and have a brown thumb, besides. The field of daffodils is beautiful!!

  8. No more bulb planting for me..When I read "just a twist of the wrist" , I winced..My hands are having a big arthritis attack..Hope it gets better..We'll see...

  9. PS..Your daffodils are beautiful...

  10. Pretty!
    I do adore daffodils. Such a pretty, cheerful and durable flower.
    And congratulations on your daughter's Spartan success!

  11. If anyone is planting bulbs in any serious amount, I would NOT suggest one of those bulb planting tools(which work alright if only planting a few bulbs). A sharpshooter shovel or something similar is best and easier, your back and body will thank you after planting a few hundred bulbs.



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