Monday, November 24, 2014

Last Home Game




It was the last home game and the last game of our tailgating season on Saturday and we along with 70,000 other hardy Michigan souls braved the cold, icy and rainy weather to cheer on our Spartans on senior day. It was the first time in twenty years that snow had to be removed from the field and seats at Spartan Stadium, but we dressed for the elements in many layers, wrapped up in stadium blankets and still had so much fun watching another win.

Since in was senior day, there were a lot of bittersweet memories to be made and a lot of goodbyes for the senior football players, band members and cheerleaders. It is a tradition to kiss the Spartan head in the middle of the field on the last game and they all had their chance to do that. Melissa and her friends were sad it was their last home game in the student section, but know they will be back as future alumni.



After the game, instead of braving the cold outside, we went to our favorite mexican restaurant restaurant from our days as students and finally warmed up and thawed out. Of course, the best margarita around might have helped with that process! We had a wonderful tailgating season and look forward to next year.

Happy Monday!



  1. I know you all are sad it is over but happy with the memories made:) Enjoy your week dear friend! Time to thaw the turkey:) HUGS!

  2. I get so depressed at the end of college football season every year! Are y'all going to a Bowl Game? That margarita looks yummy!

  3. Brrrrrr . . . chilly, frosty I am sure!
    Happy you were one of the 70,000 there supporting the Spartans!
    (I was happy to be warm at home . . . smile!)

  4. Looks chilly! We have good friends from the UK who are big Spartan fans. They're back in MI now...they wear the same green as I see in your pics : ) I hate to see football season end. And no Olympics this year, to add some interest to the winter months.I'm not a pro basketball fan at all.

  5. Brrrrrrrr.....but that margarita looks like a great way to end the tailgating season! Fun photos!!

  6. I hate to see the season come to an end even though it wasn't the greatest..

  7. Wow, this season has gone quickly! And I'm sure that Melissa and all the other seniors thought that their time at MSU flew by in the blink of an eye. It's always amazing to me that the four short years (plus or minus) of our college career can have such a lasting impact on our lives.


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