Friday, November 21, 2014

A Beautiful Book Club Evening




What a beautiful evening and dinner we had at my book club last night. Our hostess outdid herself in the midst of her Thanksgiving preparations and prepared a special night for us with a fall menu that was pretty close to perfect. Her table was set with a lovely green place setting from Ireland and the flowers were nothing short of breathtaking. We sat around this beautiful table and enjoyed a kale salad with dried cranberries and a walnut vinegrette, acorn squash stuffed with a delicious mixture of wild rice, turkey sausage, apples, and cranberries and roasted autumn vegetables on the side.



The dessert was a decadent chocolate cake with chocolate ganache and raspberries that was melt in your mouth delicious. We told our hostess it looked pretty enough to be in a display case at a high end bakery.



I was fascinated by this bouquet of flowers in her kitchen and when I asked what kind they were, was shocked to find they were heads of kale. I will be looking to replicate this unique arrangement on Thanksgiving.



The book we discussed this month was an interesting choice that many of us did not care for, but in the end were glad we had the chance to read. Travels with My Aunt by Graham Greene was published in 1969 and is an enlightening look at the time in which it takes place. We agreed that subject matter that was probably somewhat shocking at the time of publication, seemed somewhat dated. We also discovered a movie by the same name was produced in the late 1970's starring our favorite from Downton Abbey, Maggie Smith.

At this time of thanksgiving, so thankful for my book club friends.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. What a gorgeous table setting, and the arrangements are spectacular!

  2. Looks like a fabulous evening! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Wow!! I want to see a photo of YOUR arrangement!! That is amazing!

  4. Always fun to get a glimpse of your book club get togethers! Spectacular as always!

    I've read other things by Graham Greene, but not that one. Every now and then it's nice to read a classic, isn't it?

  6. Much to love here . . . (More info please on the pattern on the dishes from Ireland.)
    And the flower arrangement with the Kale . . . wonderful!
    And the entree, butternut squash with veggies . . .
    AND . . . the cake . . . WOW, what a hostess!
    (Who needs the book . . .)
    Happy Thanksgiving Vicki . . .

  7. Beautiful Kale arrangement..Saw an Acorn squash prepared on a "foodie" show the other day..I don't like squash but the insides sound yummy..

  8. Love the kale arrangement! I used to plant some of these for the winter beauty in my yard! Perhaps I will pick up some for my hubby to plant:) Isn't it nice when you all feel the same way about a book? Have a blessed Thanksgiving week ahead, HUGS!

  9. That kale arrangement is beautiful! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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