Friday, October 31, 2014

Getting Ready for Halloween Night




We are getting ready for the trick or treaters here. The orange lights are strung around a tree next to my front porch and a spooky witch hangs, waiting to scare those brave enough to be out in the dark. The past two days have been spent making pile after pile of leaves for the initial clean up, but there are many more bags to fill before fall ends. Trees are wonderful to have around until they overwhelm our yard, every fall. My husband does a little, I do a little and our teenage yard boy does a little and slowly, but surely they get picked up. My puppy was not thrilled with this photo op, but such is the life of a dog with a blogger in the family :-)



I did a trial run last night of the Halloween cocktail I will be sipping while handing out candy to the trick or treaters and it is a good one. This year I will be enjoying a Caramel Apple Martini, perfect for any fall occasion that calls for a festive cocktail. The caramel vodka is really good and I will be looking for more drink recipes that use it.

To make this yummy martini, simply add 2 ounces of caramel vodka, 2 ounces of apple cider and 1 ounce of Buttershot liqueur to a martini shaker, filled with ice. Shake well and pour into a martini glass rimmed with cinnamon sugar. To get the cinnamon sugar to stick to the glass, rub a little apple cider around the rim. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful Halloween weekend!



  1. Your puppy may not be thrilled but it sounds as though you're all set for a GREAT time!

  2. Oh I am going to buy some caramel vodka ASAP!

  3. Wish we were neighbors. It would be so much fun hanging out.

  4. The cocktail sounds delicious! I'll need to look for caramel vodka!

  5. Your puppy is charming and that martini sounds like one I'd try.

  6. That sounds wonderful! Great puppy picture!

  7. Well your cocktail certainly looks and sound good for Halloween .... hope you had a good one.

    All the best Jan

  8. Yumm! I sent this recipe to my cousin - I know she will love it!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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