Friday, October 3, 2014

Colorful Mums - Fall Gardening




The weather is going to take a turn for the worse this weekend and the leaves are starting to briskly fall from the trees in my backyard, next to the woods. That means it is time for a fall garden cleanup and the addition of color by adding seasonal mums. It is a balancing act to wait as long as possible and buy as good of quality as possible, with more buds than flowers, so they will still be blooming into November.



This group of smaller mum plants I placed in my fire pit turned planter will bloom for a long time, since the buds outnumber the flowers and also, the cooler weather coming, will help them flourish.



A perfect and brightly colored red maple leaf fell so perfectly and landed on this pretty orange, gold mum. We will be dealing with the over abundance of falling leaves from now to Thanksgiving, but I can still appreciate the beauty of that single perfect leaf.



My front porch display also got a pretty mum placed in a green bushel basket. The orange and gold tones give a nice pop of color to the display and contrast beautifully with the chevron patterned burlap ribbon, I casually tied on the big grapevine wreath propped in the back.

Happy fall gardening and have a wonderful fall weekend!


{Linking with these friends}

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style


  1. Love that orange and gold mum . . . I usually just see mums in one solid color . . .
    I agree, looking for a healthy, non fully bloomed mum is the best idea!
    Happy Rainy Weekend . . .

  2. I have been itching to plant some mums:) Love those fall blooms! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Beautiful. Yes, I will be changing out our pots and flower beds this weekend as well.

  4. Beautiful! The Fall/Halloween bug finally bit me and so that's how I plan to spend my weekend! Have a great one!

  5. 'Mums' are great and do give some lovely colour.

    All the best Jan

  6. Love that one in the bushel basket - the colours are awesome.
    Great advice on buying the ones with more buds than blooms. So many people do the opposite and wonder why their plants don't last.

  7. I haven't bought mums this season...yours are so pretty.

  8. Love these pretty colors! =) Thanks for sharing these lovely flower photos!

  9. Those mums are so beautiful! I especially love the variegated flowers in the fire pit planter. And that gorgeous maple leaf - just perfect! It's 40 degrees and raining in South Bend today. I'm kind of glad I'll be watching the game from my comfy sofa inside!

  10. Yes, Vicki. I think summer has finally given here today and very blustery. It's bright and sunny though. Hope you're having a good weekend.

  11. looks gorgeous!! It is cooold in Baltimore tonight too.

  12. Yikes!
    I need to do some fall cleaning, and empty the garage, and and and and.

    Enjoyed visiting. Thank you for the tip on mums with buds!


  13. Love Mums.. They come in so many colors. I have started a new meme called Memory Monday and hope you will join me.

  14. Oh my! Your mums are absolutely gorgeous! I love the very fall-ish colors of gold’s and reds. I'm sure your front porch looks really lovely this season. Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures. Wishing everyone all the best!

    Mitchell Knapp @ Scenic Landscaping


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