Friday, October 24, 2014

Book Club - Jane Eyre Night




Last night's book club centered around our discussion of Jane Eyre and the consensus of the group was that we all loved revisiting this classic, gothic romance. The member who picked the book is always in charge of leading the discussion and she happened to be an English Lit major in college, so we were in very good hands. She came with talking points and discussion questions and as always, our discussion was lively, opinionated and sometimes loud. We all agreed, that reading Jane Eyre at this stage of life, is infinitely a different experience than reading it as a teenager.



Before our book discussion started, we sat down together to a beautiful dinner. We started with a spicy squash soup, drizzled with creme fresh and topped with the toasted squash seeds. Our hostess also prepared a chicken dish with olives and artichokes, thinly sliced and wonderfully seasoned potatoes and sautéed green beans with almonds. Dessert and coffee were served after our discussion; a light and fluffy slice of pumpkin pie and whipped cream.

The group was small last night, but we more than made up for it with our enjoyable and interesting look at a classic novel. If you are in a book club, or just need a new book to read, try reading a classic novel, just for the pleasure of it. It can be a wonderful and enlightening experience.



Have a wonderful weekend. It is rivalry weekend here in Michigan - MSU plays U of M on Saturday afternoon. We will be there tailgating bright and early in the morning, wearing our green and white and cheering the Spartans on to victory!



  1. I love reading the old classics again. Always a new perspective reading as an adult. Have a fabulous weekend tailgating and at the game!!

  2. That's one book I read altho it was a long time ago..Looks like a lovely dinner..Enjoy the game!! Good luck!!

  3. After enjoying 'Death Comes to Pemberley,' our club should add this beloved novel to our reading list next year!

    MIZZOU's homecoming is this weekend. It should be a great game and great weather!! Good luck to your Spartans!

  4. I was an English major but was never assigned Jane Eyre. A friend bought it for me years ago, I think I should pick it up! Have fun this weekend and GO GREEN! :)

  5. Lovely evening you had! Yet what do I notice the most? The trilogy of color at your daughters feet!!! How I yearn to see leaves of different color for fall. Took my grandson to the woods today to collect colors of fall for his show and tell at school...he's 2! We found green, brown and a slight dead yellow color. Sniff I tried to explain to him about Fall in the South!!

  6. That sounds like so much fun! I loved Jane Eyre way back in high school. I should try it again now just to see it from a different perspective. :)


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