Monday, September 22, 2014

Pompon Family Tailgate




Saturday morning, before the MSU football game, we attended the Pompom team family tailgate with Melissa. It was a beautiful day and a lovely morning spent on campus. There were around 100 team and family members in attendance and a delicious pot luck lunch was served.



After lunch, we were treated to a performance by the MSU Acafellas, an all male acapella group. They sang three songs, finishing with the MSU fight song, which the whole tailgate group joined in singing.


A fun part of any tailgate is a little friendly competition, between father and daughter. It was a perfect fall day.



Melissa and her roommate have been together all four years and are MSU Pompon teammates as well as friends. They were also pompon teammates in high school and seeing them together at all the senior year events is a little bittersweet. Time does go by so fast.

Happy Monday!



  1. Looks like fun . . . LOTS!
    Next year will be the big change . . .
    Wonderful you and your husband have enjoyed following, supporting . . . and loving too!

  2. Those college years fly by particularly fast I think. Looks like a fun weekend!

  3. This is a big year for you guys with Melissa graduating. Enjoy all this memory building!!

  4. What a fun time:) Love those smiles of long-time friends! Sending HUGS your way this morning!

  5. Beautiful, happy smiles. Looks like a great day. Time sure flies.

  6. What fun! We'll have our first parent's weekend in October, and I'm looking forward to it.

  7. Makes this time of year even more perfect...


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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