Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Fragments




I know Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks are very popular now and most everyone can't wait for them to be available every fall, but they are just too sweet for my taste. When you are a diabetic and you don't eat much sugar, anything with a sweet taste can be a little overwhelming in flavor. I do love pumpkin spice Kcups though. They are the perfect fall flavored coffee. I just brew the coffee, right at home, add some half and half to my favorite fall mug and my morning is made better.



The final piece to my dining room update was supposed to be a table runner with this pretty fabric I found online from Since I'm getting ready to put out all my fall decor, it just doesn't seem very fall inspired to me, so I think I will save it for a later date - probably after all the holidays. I have decided I will use something I have and my project is now complete! Blog post next week :-)



I don't watch much network television anymore, but there are three shows that I do love and try not to miss. Parenthood, Grey's Anatomy and Once Upon A Time all premiere this week and I will be watching. I am especially looking forward to see what Once Upon A Time does with the Frozen storyline.



I missed my book club this past week, because I wasn't feeling well, but did want to mention the book we read. Wonder by R.J. Palacio is an amazing young adult book that really should be read by everyone. It deals with the hard subject of bullying, but is told from all points of view and the effect a special needs child can have in both a family and school setting. But, it is ultimately a story how being kind can make a difference.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Thanks for the book recommendation. Another young adult book for everyone. That genre is taking over. Can't believe this is Parenthood's last year. So sad. Have a great weekend, Vicki!

  2. Love the fabric. We just started watching our fall shows. Thanks for the book recommendation.

  3. I love that fabric and can't wait to see it on your table:) Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  4. I think the shows that you mentioned are good too! =)

    Have a great weekend!

  5. I've heard GOOD things about that book. It was a city read here last spring, but I never got around to reading it then. I never drank pumpkin coffee. That just sounds bad to me.
    But the fabric, that's really lovely.

  6. Being diabetic it is better to restrict sugars and carbs and processed foods. Aim for blood sugar numbers as that of a non really is better to do that. However, even non diabetics can consume too much sugar, carbs and processed foods, and in the long run they do not do our health a lot of good.

    Each to our own choices of course, but don't we owe it to ourselves to be fit healthy as we possibly can. I live the low carb, high fat, moderate protein lifestyle. I exercise regularly and try to establish a good sleep pattern all helps with my health, and just makes sense to me.

    Like the sound of the book "But, it is ultimately a story how being kind can make a difference."
    I'm a believer in kindness and a welcome smile makes all the difference in the world.

    Take Care everyone and ........

    All the best Jan


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