Monday, July 21, 2014

Two Lakes




In Michigan there are two kinds of lakes; inland lakes and of course, the Great Lakes. On my recent vacation with my extended family, I experienced a little of both.



It was a different vacation for me, a causality of an empty nest, with the added problem of a husband who had important meetings at work, he couldn't miss. So, it was just me, setting out on this trip to northern Michigan to join my parents, sister's family and brother's family at a cottage, near Lake Huron.



It was a quiet vacation and very relaxing. The weather was cool, rainy and alternated sun and clouds within minutes. Not exactly boating weather, but we took advantage of the time to read, shop, play cards and explore the many unique shoreline landscapes of Lake Huron. We cooked delicious meals at our cottage and I made breakfast for the whole group one morning that included strawberry shortcake waffles, with lots of whipped cream.



As is our tradition, we ended each day with a happy hour by the shore of the lake. On the last night, this lovely sunset gave us photo opportunities galore, as the clouds reflected on the lake. I missed my husband and daughters, but was thankful for the time spent with aging parents and nephews and nieces, all grown up. There were memories of other trips when the cottage was filled with small children and chaos and fun ensued daily. There are new memories to be made now; different, but just as special.

Happy Monday!



  1. Looks fabulous there! Delighted you enjoyed your special time with family:)
    ~Anne xx

  2. That last picture is breathtakingly beautiful! I am happy you got to spend that time with the family making precious memories! Have a blessed week ahead! HUGS!

  3. I love northern Michigan, those pics sure show why! How wonderful to get to spend some one on one time with your parents. I bet they loved every moment too!

  4. Strawberry shortcake waffles? Sounds yummy!

  5. Hi Vicki, Such pretty photos, especially that last one! Glad you had this time to rest and enjoy family, although it was somewhat different. John is from MI and I've visited several times thru the years. Thanks for sharing your pics.

  6. Where did you guys have a cabin? My MIL lives on Lake Huron in East Tawas. Beautiful this time of year.

  7. I can "hear" a little melancholy in your writing. Times do change and as you are finding out memories are still being made....just different than before. We noticed it in our family as the kids grew up and moved away. Family gatherings weren't as fun as before.Then the grandchildren started coming and everything changed again. Now, with great grand's changing yet another time. Time spent with your parents is time you will never forget.....and as I well know, we love spending time with our kids.
    Gosh, where did this comment take me? Balisha

  8. Wounds like you had a good time. I enjoyed seeing your photos and especially love your sunset pic! Stunning!

  9. When you are surrounded with small kids and work and busyness, you think these days will never be. And before you know it, you're having solo vacations sans children. A few more years and it will start all over again with the grandkids.
    I absolutely love living near the Great Lakes - I've lived on three during my life, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron and now Lake Erie. The beaches are amazing!

  10. Life has its chapters. Enjoy this one. Beautiful sunset.

  11. Sounds like a wonderful time, and I love your photos! =)

  12. Any time spent with family is precious, right? Before you know it you will be going with your daughters and grandchildren! Beautiful pictures of the gorgeous lakes!

  13. Great state we live in! Happy times it sounds like . . .


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