Monday, July 28, 2014




Lately, since I got back from a family vacation, life has been calm and quiet, just the way I like it to be.



Around the house and garden I have been keeping busy every day, just watering, weeding and creating bouquets from the flowers blooming now. I also made a little change to my kitchen window sill and added a couple green ball jars and a ceramic vegetable. A simple change, but I love how the summer sun shines through the color of these jars.



Lately in the garden, for the first time in years, the deer have left alone the daylilly buds and I have such pretty blooms to enjoy. When you are a gardener, there is a constant battle with nature, including the bugs and animals that like to destroy the flowers you take so much time nurturing. So far this season, the deer have stayed away, but the bunnies are winning in other places.



Lately, my new favorite tea is the Comforting Tea from Aveda. Since I go to an Aveda salon, I always ask for their tea when I am offered. This last time I decided to purchase some to enjoy at home and I love it. I discovered that this is a licorice mint herbal blend and have been having a cup late at night, since there is no caffeine to worry about.



Yesterday was an exceptionally relaxing day. My daughter, Melissa came home to go to a concert, so we spent some time together having a girl's day - lunch and a pink pedicure. It is always fun to spend time with her. She is full of plans for a trip to Cape Cod with her Pom team and her upcoming 21st birthday. I still can't believe she will be turning 21 soon!



Lately, I have started watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix and while I wasn't too enamored at first, I am slowly beginning to see what people love about the show. I am almost finished with season one and while football is central to the storyline, it seems to be less centered on the games and more on the relationships, as the season has progressed. And, I love the relationship between Tim and Tami Taylor.

Finally, The Bachelorette finale is tonight and while it hadn't been my favorite season, it's been fun to watch. Andi makes her pick tonight and the live, After The Final Rose show is always the most interesting of the season. I had hoped to have my Bachelorette watching friends over for a viewing party, but it was not a good night for most, so I will be texting Megan in Pittsburgh, as we watch this silly show together, but long distance.

Happy Monday!



  1. The jars are so pretty. And yes, the sun coming through them makes they shine! The daylilies hear are starting to succomb to the heat, so most are already getting cut back or thinned out. I too love Aveda's tea. It has a wonderful relaxing flavor. Enjoy!

  2. Sounds like a perfect day with your daughter. FNL is one of my favorite series ever. I just love that cute coach. Have a great week, Vicki!

  3. We are big fans of Friday Night Lights. I have Bachelorette on my DVR and catch up in pieces. I can't sit and watch it start to finish, I ff through a lot : ) I'm not really engaged in this seasons contestants..I liked the one she sent home in the last episode. These two that are left were not my favorites.

  4. Our summer is winding down, our cruise is done and our grands are staying with us for two under school starts. Mom is a principal and went back last week. We will be getting our tomatoes in a few weeks and our flowers have done pretty well. I am enjoying summer series shows on TNT--we love Rectify and Murder in the First. My hubby likes The Last Ship--its good too. Enjoy your quiet time.

  5. You can text me too . . . Several times I have said, "why am I watching this . . ." but now is now and I can't wait to see what happens. Silly ole' lady me!

    Where did you say you found the green jars?? I think I need some, some day they will be vintage!

  6. I too love the way the light is coming through the glass jars.......

    All the best Jan

  7. Sounds like it is all agreeing with you, Vicki!...:)JP

  8. I go to an Aveda salon too and never get their tea - I will next time for sure after this suggestion. Life is not calm around here - this time of year our home seems to be more of a B & B than a quiet home. But I love it!

  9. I have been using That shampoo ever since you recommended it to me. Just ordered some more. I'm not a bachelor fan. I watched them both on their first seasons but they get old. Have a good day.

  10. Sounds like a great relaxing week. The perfect way to re-enter real life after a wonderful vacation! By the way, do you know the name of that pink OPI polish. I love the color. I'm always overwhelmed with all the choices at the salon. It sure would be nice to walk in knowing which bottle to choose!

  11. I love those green Mason jars. I thought about ordering some and then, promptly, forgot. Ah, aging. LOL I've been in the garden every day pulling weeds. I gave up on growing veggies this year and made the move to flowers. I am much better at growing them! Thankfully!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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