Wednesday, July 9, 2014




The days are slower in the summertime; the mornings made for getting an early start while the air is cool. Afternoons are meant for reading a good book, in the shade of a big tree. I have been taking advantage of the beautiful days that stretch out before me.


The book I have enjoyed the most lately, is Tracy Chevalier's newest, The Last Runaway. My book club read Girl with A Pearl Earring and The Virgin Blue and I enjoyed both. Chevalier is a great storyteller, especially when writing about women trapped in situations they struggle to break free from, but can't, because of the limitations on women, in that era. Her new novel, tells the story of a women from England, who travels to a Friends settlement in Ohio and makes the best of her situation by becoming involved in the Underground Railroad. She defies both her community and her new husband and learns to make a life for herself, based on her strong principles. I read this fairly quickly, wanting to know what happens in the end.


I was able to go to my favorite breakfast spot with Megan, before she headed back to Pittsburgh. It seems I had just gotten used to her being gone and for some reason this goodbye was even harder. We are going to visit her next month, but it just seems far away. She's very happy and that makes it easier, but I miss her.



My Alex and Ani bracelet collection is growing. I received the gold bracelet, from my daughters for my birthday and plan on wearing it with the silver one I already own. I like the look of mixing the two different finishes.



My daughter and I shared a slice of my favorite Lemon Raspberry cheesecake, from the Cheesecake factory, while watching The Bachelorette, Monday night. Cheesecake, wine, and talking about that silly show together, made for the perfect girl's night.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Being with daughters is the best! I just had dinner with mine last evening and we had such a lovely time together. And what a better way to enjoy your time together than with Cheesecake Factory cheesecake! Enjoy your good reads!

  2. I'm jealous. A part of me is looking forward to days like this with my nine year old and a part of me wants her to stay young. All the food looks delicious! I'm going to check into Tracy Chevalier. I saw the Movie, "The Girl With The Pearl Earring," but it's been many years ago.

  3. I love the Girl with a Pearl Earring. Will have to look for this one as well. Yes, it seems harder when you finally adjust to them being gone, then they are home for a brief trip, and then gone again. I know I will struggle with this when I drop Katie back off at school next month. It goes by too quickly. Glad she is happy and doing well. Love the bracelets. Having something like that from the girls is always a great reminder when wearing it. That cheesecake looks sinful!

  4. It is hard to get over missing daughters. I know that I miss mine every day. I am so happy when I see them, but then feel doubly sad when we are apart again. sounds like you are having a nice laid back summer. xo Laura

  5. I love my collection of Alex and the same mix the silver with the go
    D because it isn't a shiny gold but more burnished...:)JP

  6. Vicki... I LOVED Girl with the Pearl Earring! I will definitely order this one. Have a great evening!

  7. Your "good things" posts always make me smile.

  8. Another book for my list. You are quickly becoming my source of all good reading. I'm currently reading "Mrs. Poe", think I got that idea from you. If not, you should go and get it -great story.

  9. You have to know that, because of your post a while back about your alex and annie bracelet from NY, I now have a huge collection and give to all my friends as well!! I visited Nantucket where they have a shop last fall and fell in love with their bracelets! Looked all over their site for one like you got but couldn't find I just got a million others. In fact, my best girlfriend and I were together on that trip and we got one with Nantucket charm as a trip happy. Now, everytime we go somewhere, we get another one as a memory! So......thanks for that tip!!
    And I don't know why, but all of a sudden, I'm not receiving my emails when you post anymore. Tried to re-apply but they say I'm already signed in.......hmmmmmm.....any ideas?

  10. Girls night with your daughter is one of life's best things. My daughter and I are planning one at the end of the month - before she moves to New Mexico. Enjoy every moment with her!

  11. I can relate! It isn't easy having your daughter live far away but, we raise them to be independent and darn if they don't just go and do that! But I'm with you - as long as she is happy, then I am happy! Love your bracelets!

  12. The Lemon Rasberry cheesecake looks delicious! Sounds like a wonderful girls night with your Daughter! =) Your bracelets are really pretty.

  13. Nice blog. I like your bracelet collection.
    Things to do in Chicago

  14. Loved the bracelets . . .
    And the "girl night with your daughter!"
    Precisely what my daughter and I did this
    past Monday as we sat and watched part
    of the "silly" bachelorette show . . .


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