Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July Weekend in Photos



Beautiful weather, friends, family, pool, boating and baseball. The list is long of all that we did over the 4th of July holiday weekend, but every moment was special in its own way and combined to make for some fun and busy days and nights.



We spent the 4th of July at our friends lovely, sparkling blue pool. There were festive drinks, really good food, including grilled, braided salmon and barbeque ribs, and lots of laughter, while floating in the pool. As the night grew cool, we moved to the hot tub and I could be found there long into the night.



Saturday was a lake day, with family and we spent the time boating and just relaxing watching this beautiful view of the lake. Michigan lakes are perfection in the summer.



Sunday night we went to the Detroit Tigers game, as a birthday present to me. I love baseball, especially on a perfect summer night, so even though the Tigers lost, it was so much fun.

We had an amazing weekend.

Happy Monday!



  1. Love seeing pictures of your fun weekend! Mine was spent out of town but was still fun! Pretty picture of the two chairs with the lake in the background! Frame worthy! Have a blessed week ahead dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend . . . the weather sure helped didn't it. At least it was wonderful on the other side of the state!

  3. You are one busy family! Ah, to be sitting in a hot tub!!

  4. What a wonderful weekend! I love going to the ballpark - the people watching, the food, oh and I guess the baseball, too. ;-)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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