Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Reading List



My summer reading list consists of some highly anticipated books by many of my favorite authors. It is a mix of chick lit, mysteries and historical fiction. I foresee many days ahead, losing myself in one of these books, maybe sitting outside on my patio with a glass of wine nearby, or maybe relaxing on a lounge chair at the pool. There is just something special about the combination of a quiet summer day and a good book :-)



First, the book I have been anticipating for so long, by my favorite author, will be available June 10th. Written In My Own Heart's Blood is the continuation of Jamie and Claire Fraser's story and will pick up in the midst of the American Revolution. This is the 8th book in the series and each one has effectively moved the story along, weaving both the past and present together, seamlessly. I have never been dissapointed in one of these books.



All Fall Down, by Jennifer Weiner will be released on June 17th and promises to be filled with emotion and strong, but flawed characters, like her other books. Another favorite by this author is In Her Shoes.



Another favorite author, JoJo Moyes, has a new book available July 1st and I have enjoyed reading all of her previous books. She is the kind of author who made me fall in love with her bestsellers (especially Me Before You), but also had me searching to find some of her early, less popular books to read.



The Book of Life, the third book in the All Souls Triolgy will be available July 15th. This is the story of Diana Bishop, a scholarly witch and her relationship with a handsome vampire. The historical detail, as they move from present day to the past and the description of the historical figures they encounter is both interesting and intriguing.



Intrepid British spy, Maggie Hope will be back, July 1st in a new book detailing her adventures in World War II. This is the fourth book in the series and Maggie has been involved with intrigue both in England and behind Nazi lines, in Germany. She is new to the spy business, but has an endearing attitude that helps her succeed on her missions.


Happy Reading!



  1. I need a new book to take to the beach:) Thanks for the list! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Maybe it's a hangover from childhood summers, but it's still my favorite time of year to settle down with a book, I'm starting Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier. I saw the movie on Netflicks and loved it. Happy reading!

  3. Vicki, I have been eagerly awaiting the latest Gabaldon, have had the date marked on my calendar for a long time! I'll check out some of your other suggestions as well!

  4. Vicki, thank you so much for your kind words on my blog!
    Your book selections look interesting; I'm always on the lookout for new grist for my reading mill. The mention of Diana Gabaldon made me smile; I started my mother and stepfather on her series and they are avid fans... they are impatiently waiting to get their hands on her latest, lol.

  5. Enjoy your summer and the books!...:)JP

  6. I will have to look for Jennifer Weiners new book. I really like her. Summer just seems like reading season around here too! I just started Sycamore Road after waiting forever.

  7. Vicki, these look great. I've always been an avid reader and it's something that has suffered in the last few months. I am putting these on my list - I finally started reading one I've been wanting to read for awhile now: "Unbroken". Have you read it? Ann

  8. Hi Vicki! Thanks for the suggestions. I always love your book choices. I have got to start reading Diana Gabaldon! So many people love her. Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Reminds me to preorder JoJo's July 1 release . . . She is a favorite now, thanks to you!
    I just purchased The Fault In The Stars last night . . . have you read it.
    (Why do I ask, I am sure you have . . .)

  10. I've got the Outlander novel pre-ordered too. can't wait. I'll have to check out the All Souls Trilogy - sound right up my alley!



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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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