Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rediscovering Kirkland's




When I think of my time living in Memphis, one of the things I miss are the uniquely Southern stores like Dillard's, Steinmart and Kirkland's. Imagine my surprise when I drove by and saw that a Kirkland's had opened, in a nearby shopping center. I remember that it was a great place for home decor items, and it was one of my go to places for decorating my new home, on a budget. My curiosity led me to visit the new store, iPhone in hand and see if it was the same as I remembered it to be.




The store is fairly large and everything was displayed beautifully. There was a unique selection of all sorts of home decor items from furniture to pillows to art.



I loved the variety, the vibrant colors and the great prices. This store is very close to a HomeGoods and as much as I love shopping there, it does feel a little jumbled and unorganized at times. This new Kirkland's felt clean, spacious well very well organized. Though I wasn't shopping the day I stopped by, I saw many things I liked and look forward to going back, with my dining room update in mind.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. We no longer have a Kirkland's but we DO still have a Steinmart just blocks from our home! Good thing I seldom drive these days, or I'd spend far too much time and money there.

  2. I didn't know Kirklands and Steinmart were located only in the South. I didn't realize how lucky we are!

  3. I see some pillows I would take home immediately . . .
    I haven't seen a Kirkland's around here for awhile but saw some when I was in Florida a few weeks ago.

  4. They have started popping up again here as well. For a few years they were gone. They have some great finds.

  5. Wow...haven't seen one of those since I left Virginia!...:)JP

  6. I've never been to a Kirkland's but from your photos, I'd have a great time! I really like those cute chairs!

  7. Oooh, another amazing store we don't have in Canada!!! Darn! And look at the prices - $69 for a side table and $129 for the sofa table! Unheard of in this part of the world.
    I can add this to my list along with Hobby Lobby and Home Goods as a "must visit" if and when I get across the border.

  8. I was very unhappy when they took Kirkland's away from us several years ago I really miss it have a great day Vick

  9. Thanks for the tip! I also love HomeGoods but often feel overwhelmed by the jumbled mess of choices. I find it hard to browse in stores like that and really only have success if I'm going in looking for a particular thing. I see that there are Kirkland's in the Chicago area so I will check it out!

  10. Today, Most of the Kirkland’s store offers great technique, great price and an capability to surprise and enchantment in home decoration and gifts.


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