Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mexican Chopped Salad Pinterest Success {32}




Sometimes in is the dressing that makes a salad great. Especially if it is homemade and complements all the ingredients, instead of overwhelming them. It is light and predominately tastes of fresh squeezed lime juice and the quintessential mexican spice; cumin. This yummy Mexican Chopped Salad that I prepared for our Father's Day cookout was really delicious and filled with all kinds of fresh chopped veggies, but the dressing was the star.

The recipe can be found by clicking on the original pin here and will be a salad that I make often. It does require a little bit of time to make, because you are chopping up all the veggies into somewhat small pieces, making the dressing and even making your own tortilla strips. It is definitely worth the effort and all the colors of the veggies, especially the fresh corn, make the salad so colorful and pretty to serve.

The only change I made to this recipe, is that I did not use the jicama and it did not seem to matter to the flavor. I am not really familiar with it, but may add it in the future to see how it adds to the taste and texture of the salad. This is a great summer salad :-)

Happy Tuesday!


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Rattlebridge Farm

Mom's Test Kitchen

Between Naps on the Porch

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  1. Sounds delicious! I am always looking for a lighter meal to prepare during the summer. I will have to omit the tomatoes, but with all the other wonderful veggies, I don't think I will mind.

  2. My hubby doesn't care for Mexican anything...so you'll have invite me next time!...:)JP

  3. yum! This sounds fantastic. I think that my whole family would like this one.

  4. I love jicama as a snack in place of carrots or celery. It has the texture of a potato but is fairly sweet. Love this recipe!

  5. This looks delicious; I'd definitely say that's a Pinterest win, for sure! I love jicama; don't eat it enough :) I'm not sure it would change the flavor of the salad, to be honest. While I'm here, I'd love to invite you to come share your recipe PINS to my Pinterest party. :) You link up your pins & I repin them to a massive group board of active pinners! Here's this week's party: http://www.anyonita-nibbles.co.uk/2014/06/10-unconventional-delicious-4th-july-foods.html


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