Thursday, June 26, 2014

June Book Club




My book club met last night, and it was a really lovely evening, as always. We started the evening with mojitos and appetizers of grilled shrimp and a beautiful cheese platter, along with other assorted nibbles, then moved into the dining room for greek salad with grilled chicken and grilled pita bread. We were so comfortable there, we stayed around the table for our book discussion, which was lively as always, even though the book had its flaws. The dessert served at the end of the evening was definitely a highlight for me, because anything lemon is my favorite flavor. Our hostess put it together, by slicing a lemon layer cake and topping it with a scoop of lemon sorbet and a sauce made with fresh raspberries and chambord.



The book we read, One Amazing Thing by Chitra Divzkaruni sounded promising in its premise. A group of strangers are trapped in a building after an earthquake and decide to get through their ordeal by telling a story of one amazing thing that has shaped their life. Somehow, though the stories were interesting, this book fell short in its depiction of the characters and their struggles to survive their entrapment. There was a disconnect between the stories they told of their past and how they were portrayed in real time. The premise my book club did agree on is that everyone does have a story of what they are dealing with and most likely doing the best they can. We all need to remember this as we meet and deal with difficult people in our daily lives.

Happy Thursday!



  1. That dessert sounds so good. I think I'll try that this summer. I love anything lemon and I love raspberries! We are reading The Storyteller this month by Jodi Picoult. I'm not finished yet, but know there will be some unexpected twists. Her books always fall in the gray area and you never know which side she'll land on until the very end. Have a great day!

    1. Joyce, I think I commented on your Good Reads update that I read that book. I loved that book and it was probably my favorite JP book! But I'm a history buff, too.

    2. I thought that was a good Jodi Picoult book - a little dark, but very interesting and somewhat of a departure for her.

    3. I recently read The Storyteller, too, and really liked it! Definitely thought-provoking and well-told.

  2. Lemon and raspberries...YUMMY!!!...:)JP

  3. I always enjoy your book club entries. More so to see what was served! lol...

  4. That sounds like an interesting book. Bummer that it didn't read as well as the description. The food at your book club sounds amazing! I love anything lemon too. :)

  5. The Lemon Twist recipe is needed by this gal.
    Finished The House Girl . . . really, really, REALLYThought it was a very good book.
    Doing a post book review tomorrow.

  6. Talk about good timing, I just finished reading a book yesterday and was wondering what I should read next. One Amazing Thing sounds like it would really be interesting. I'll check it out... :)

  7. Whether it is a good review or a bad one, I love to hear your thoughts. What an incredible dinner. I've got to find a book club around here that is centered around dinner. I found a couple where you show up someplace but that's not my thing. Have a great weekend, Vicki!

  8. I always love reading about your book club nights! Whether a good book or not, you all manage to have a fabulous evening. That is truly what it is all about.

  9. Cake looks amazing. I need to join a book club, sounds fun!

  10. It's not very often you don't like a book. At first glance, I thought this would be a good one, but now I think I'll pass.
    But that dessert would make the evening worthwhile!! Even if the book didn't

  11. Thanks for the review (as always)--I think I'll skip this one now! You have an enviably good book club.


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