Wednesday, June 4, 2014

First Farmer's Market Visit




My daughters and I made the first trip of the summer to our local Farmer's Market on Saturday and it was a delightful place to spend the morning. In Michigan, it is very early for any kind of vegetables or fruit, besides some lettuce, onions and potatoes. But, there are flowers, flowers and more flowers! I was happy wandering amongst the annuals, hanging baskets and especially the perennials. There was music playing, the sun was shining and there was the smell of fresh donuts and coffee in the air - perfection :-)



I purchased three flowering plants at prices that can't be beat - $3.50 each. I would have paid three times that at my local nursery and I know they are quality plants that will grow in this region and soil. I planted them right away in my perennial bed and they look so pretty.

I'm not sure the names of these perennials and hope some of you gardeners can help me out. I think the yellow and orange plants are Gaillardia - am I right? And, I can tell the purple plant is a variety of daisy, but does it have a unique name?

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Good morning! I just did a post about my flowers. I know next to nothing about flowers so I'm no help at all. Love your pretty photos though. Have a great week! ~ Jamie

  2. I know you thoroughly enjoyed your visit. The purple flowers are African Daisies and you can read more here: I always had great success growing them. Have a great day.

  3. What a perfect sounding kind of day. I wish our weekends weren't so full of baseball so I could do that.

  4. Photos are great. I would have grabbed those plants too!

  5. I grew up in Michigan and love the spring and summer there. What pretty flowers.

  6. So farmers markets..

  7. I don't have a clue what any of them are - except beautiful.

    Those baskets of red geraniums are always what catches my eye. They remind me of my grandma.

  8. I wish we had Farmer Markets like THAT around here!!

  9. Very pretty flowers . . . not sure if I can identify though . . .

  10. It's so great to see the markets opening up again!!

  11. I love local markets...we have a lot around here...)JP

  12. I absolutely love Farmers Markets! So glad you got to visit one. I'm a couple hours from Seattle's famous Pike Place Market. Hope to get there soon...if you are ever in Seattle, WA, check it out!


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