Monday, June 2, 2014

Empty Nest Again




The thing about an empty nest, is that is doesn't always stay empty. When you have college age children they tend to move in and out, as circumstances (and apartment leases) change in their lives. We have had the temporary pleasure of having my older daughter Megan, living with us while job hunting, but as of yesterday, she is now living in Pittsburgh, starting a new job this week and beginning a new phase of her life.



So, it will take some getting used to again, and I will miss having her around, but all in all, I feel at peace. Because if I know she is off making her way in the world and is happy, then I am happy too. I look at the time she spent here as a bonus and will remember fondly all that one on one time we spent together. From the quiet morning coffee routine to the impromptu cooking lessons to Real Housewife discussions over a glass of wine. All are precious moments to treasure.

I may have an empty nest again, but it's still a full and busy life with my husband and now we have a new city, to visit and explore :-)


Instagram News

I joined Instagram over the weekend, so follow me if you like and I will be happy to follow you too.

Username: lifeinmyemptynest



  1. I love your attitude, Vicki. Life is ever changing and it is wonderful when we are able to embrace those changes. xo Laura

  2. I am new to your blog, and the reason I clicked on in the first place was because of the "empty nest" in your blog title. That's a season of life I expect to be going through in the not-too-distant future. My kids are still home, but they're in their early 20's, so I know the days of them being here are fleeting.

    I have been a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom ever since my first child was born, which means for over 20 years, my kids have been my entire life. I've struggled a bit with the thought of the empty nest, but I am being prepared for it little by little, as this spring both kids have twice been gone on trips at the same time.

    Anyhow, I look forward to reading more about how you are embracing this season of life.


  3. Great outlook Vicki. Our youngest flew back to Texas for a summer session on Saturday, and once again our house is empty and very quiet. Our oldest however is off for the summer, now that she is a teacher. So things have changed, but I agree they are doing what they love and making their way in this crazy world. I think this time will force me to call on girlfriends whom I may not normally have, and rebuild those friendships.
    Congrats to her on her new job!

  4. Congrats on her new opportunity--you have such a great attitude towards your daughters' independence and the time you have with them--and the time you have with other people, too.

  5. Remind me to keep your positive attitude as my nest begins to empty in 2015!! Honestly, the fact that your daughter has found a job and more independence is really what we want as parents -- to watch them thrive on their own!! (I'm gonna follow you on IG -- I love it!)

  6. I am sure it is a little heartbreaking to see her leave. I hope she is very successful at here new venture in life! I am sure when you visit, you will have a wonderful tour guide!

  7. I like your attitude too . . . How exciting it will be to watch your daughter experience her new life and you and your husband can discover Pittsburg through her eyes. What fun it will be!

  8. Sometimes it felt like there was a revolving door while the kids were young adults - college, jobs, life changes brought them in and out of the house. My husband used to joke that we were buying a one bedroom house so they couldn't come back. But we loved having them as they went through these phases. I even had the joy of watching my DIL through her last weeks of pregnancy and the birth of our grandson while my son started his new job as a police officer. They then moved into their own place once he was through training.
    I miss those days. But enjoy the rhythm of a quiet house too.

  9. It's a wonderful new chapter Vicki and you have the right attitude. Change IS happening so we might at well stay in the moment and enjoy what we can:) xxL

  10. What a great attitude you have! We raise our kids to grow up and be independent and sometimes (ok, often) that means they move away from us to create their own life, We can be sad and grumbly about the fact that they have left us behind or we can be happy for them and excited to be introduced to their new city. I'm with you. I'd rather choose the "so happy for them" option!

  11. Sounds like you have the best of both worlds Vicki, and you have the right attitude. Our daughter lives 18,000 miles away and most likely will be there for another five years so I'm an expert on 'life after kids! (she's my only child).

    If we do our job right, they move on and discover new places, new people, and new opportunities...and that's a good thing!

  12. Hi Vicki, Happy for her to find her way in the world; what an exciting time in her life! Blessings to all of you and again, enjoy your summer!
    Hugs, Beth

  13. Awwwww...but just look at the added bonus time you got with her!!! And how proud you must be to see finding her independence and taking off in the world ... just like you taught her to do.
    Remember: we teach our lll birds to fly and we nurture their wings, but its up to them to use what we've taught them and spread those wings to find their own way!!
    (you may actually having your alone time again....I know I LOVE mine)


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