Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Best Kind of Day




A day spent at the pool is the best kind of day. Especially when it is the first time back after the winter we had and when you can only dream of being there. And, especially when the person in the lounge chair next to you is your daughter.

I was very happy that Melissa was able to come home for Memorial Day weekend and even more happy that her work schedule will allow her to have weekends off this summer. She loves to go to the pool as much as I do, so I foresee many more days spent like this.



I had my book to read, an unlimited supply of cold iced tea from a passing waitress and for lunch, my favorite club sandwich served at a poolside table. I know how lucky I am to have such a lovely place to go to in the summer months and plan on taking full advantage of the warm sunny days. The pool was packed with people on the day we were there, but the atmosphere was fun; even celebratory, as we Michigan residents finally welcome the start of our summer. A day by the pool, beats a day shoveling snow, always!

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Looks relaxing, Vicki! I like pool days too. We used to have our own backyard pool and had many happy hours there. Hats off to summer! :)

  2. Sounds like a fabulous weekend. We don't go to our pool much now that the girls are gone most of the time. I probably would if they served drinks and a light meal, but since we have to pack and take everything down it can be such a pain. However, that might change as they are talking of selling the club and changing ammenities.

  3. Nothing better than a chair by the pool WITH your daughter next to you:) I can SO relate to how that feels! Enjoy your week and the nice weather! HUGS!

  4. Lovely thoughts and images . . .
    Off to summer we go . . . I agree, much better than shoveling snow!

  5. This glorious weather feels especially welcome this year! Happy Summer! Well, spring, but I think we'll go straight on to summer here and pretty much by-pass spring.

  6. It sounds like the perfect weekend; the pool with your daughter!

    (You were so right about vit D and diabetes; right now my bsl's are right where they should be, and on HALF the insulin.)

  7. A day by the pool definitely beats a day shoveling snow. Looks like so much fun. xo Laura

  8. Wow! I can't remember the last time I had a club sandwich!! Looks great with that dill pickle...:)JP

  9. Fabulous! We had a pool at our last house and boy do I miss it! We had so many hours of good family time and wonderful relaxation.

  10. Sounds wonderful!! I do miss the warm weather I grew up with in Southern CA .. especially at this time of year. Rain fell on the day that was scheduled for our friends Memorial Day event .. Oh well, we still enjoyed the evening:) Summer weather usually shows up on July 5th here in Seattle. Until then, it's "sun breaks" with showers and still overcast. The up-side is that the rain keeps are ferns and forests green. Glad you had a nice visit with your family over the weekend. xxleslie

  11. Happy Summer, Vicki! It doesn't get much better than a relaxing day with your daughter - and a bottomless glass of iced tea! Wishing you many days just like that over the next few months!

  12. You always have such great looking food...


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