Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May Gardening Notes





Yesterday was a beautiful day, so I took a day off from writing the blog, as well as working on any inside chores and spent my day working outside. The sun felt so wonderful and I enjoyed putting on my gardening gloves for the first time and also the physical act of getting my yard ready for the summer season. I have been feeling a little unsettled lately with Melissa staying at her college apartment for the summer, instead of coming home and realizing it is only one short year until her graduation. So, working in my garden is really therapeutic for me.



There are not many flowers blooming, besides the spring bulbs, but everything is in full bud and just needs a few warm days to make it happen. My rodedendren has started to open ever so slightly, the flowering pear tree is full of buds and the lily of the valley have come up in abundance this year. Also, the hostas scattered around everywhere have poked their purple stems through the ground and are close to unfurling their leaves once again.

I cleared leaves from garden beds, hopefully for the last time, and cut dead parts from bushes in advance of new growth. Our harsh winter was both a blessing and a curse. I see damage on shrubs I have never seen, but I also see plants that have thrived from the snow's protection. My perennial bed is coming up beautifully and I am most excited to see the clematis that I planted last year growing healthy and strong.

Spring may be slow in coming this season, but like in life, patience will be rewarded and and the process of making my garden beautiful is once again good for my spirit.

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch


  1. Beautiful and colorful blooms! The Winter was bad on my Gardenias, I trimmed them way back and not sure they will survive. I know you will miss Melissa this Summer but I bet she will visit you and you will visit her:) Sending hugs across the miles!

  2. Beautiful! I can totally relate. Just finished teaching last week, and we break for the summer months. And, my Katie will be home for just a couple weeks and then will head back to school for a summer session. I am fortunate though that my oldest Elie will be off since she is a teacher. So this summer she can fill in the gap!! Whew!

  3. I realized when I saw your comment that it had been awhile since I had stopped by...sorry! I've been visiting so sporadically. But Yay, it's spring, we have some flowers and I am Pinning that blueberry coffee cake! Yum!!

    At this time in my life I'm patient because it all goes by too fast. If you don't slow down you will miss it all. Before we know it we will be celebrating the 4th of July and then Labor Day!

    Happy Spring!


  4. I feel just that way about winter too. Some plants look better than ever but some have bad winter burn. That is rare here.

  5. Makes us feel so good to get out after this bad winter.
    Happy gardening!

  6. Filling up with fresh air always makes me smile and seeing blooms just adds to it!...:)JP


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