Monday, May 12, 2014

Busy Mother's Day




What a busy, but fun Mother's Day we had! We were up bright and early to get ready to go to mass and when my daughters are home that means a lot of blow dryers, straighteners and curling irons all going at once. My mornings are usually quiet, so all the activity is a fun change of pace.



After mass, we headed to our country club for a delicious brunch. Everything was beautifully presented and I was very happy to be seated next to a window, overlooking the golf course. I started with a mimosa and then filled my plate at the buffet with the breakfast selections offered, including a custom omelet that was so good. If I have the choice between breakfast or lunch items, at a brunch buffet, I always go for the breakfast choices. Eggs Benedict, blueberry pancakes, bacon and sausage, all found room on my plate. There was also a dessert table filled with all varieties of cakes, cheesecakes, cream puffs and my favorite of the day, a cake pop made with dark chocolate and covered in coconut :-)



We then headed to visit my own mother and finish the busy day by celebrating Mother's Day with my family, including my sister, brother and their families. The weather was gorgeous and sunny; almost summer like and it was definitely the perfect way to spend Mother's Day.

Happy Monday!



  1. So glad you had a wonderful day with the girls! They are just beautiful.

  2. Vicki, your day sounds like it was magical! Beauty sure runs in your family, all of you are gorgeous!

  3. So glad that you had a wonderful day full of LOVE!

    Have a great week!

  4. Vicki, that sounds wonderful. I'd choose breakfast at the buffet too. :)

    Your girls are gorgeous!

  5. Happy Mother's Day! That's a great picture of you and your daughters. I'm so glad you enjoyed the day.

  6. Love the pic of you and your beautiful girls. Looks like a great day.

  7. Sounds like a perfect day . . .

  8. We had lovely weather as well, which felt like a gift. Your girls are so cute!

  9. From peace and quiet to college girl chaos. That is exactly what I have going on here. I am glad you had a good Mother's Day.

  10. What a wonderful way to spend Mothers Day! Great pic of you and your girls!

  11. Happy Mother's Day, Vicki! Sounds like it was a great day. I'd go for breakfast items every time, too!

  12. Happy Mother's Day to you!!! I all had a busy day driving the 2 1/2 hours to visit my daughter where she prepared a beautiful brunch of eggs benedict. It was so lovely, we sat out on the porch in her downtown Toronto brownstone. Then off to see my mother along with my sister, picking up decadent cupcakes along the way. Finished the day by coming home to my hubby who had prepared a little evening for us. It was great.

  13. Such wonderful photos! Your family is lovely! =)
    Happy Mothers Day!

  14. Glad you were all together..I'm sure no one starved :)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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