Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sunshine and Easter




We woke up to beautiful sunshine on Easter and knew it would be a lovely day ahead. My girls were home to spend the day and our plans changed slightly when my parents were unable to join us for Easter dinner. We decided to venture out on a day trip to take advantage of the beautiful spring weather. After mass, we quickly stopped at home to open Easter baskets and headed out. And yes, no matter how old they are, I still love putting together baskets for my girls :-)



Our destination was a small city about an hour or so away, called Frankenmuth. It is a quaint place, steeped in German heritage, known for its old fashioned, all you can eat, chicken dinners. There is shopping, fudge shops and even a general store, complete with bags you can fill with penny candy. However, it is the dinner that is the highlight - chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, homemade buttered noodles and more. All served family style at your table.



It was lovely to wander through the shops and just enjoy being outside in the sunshine. Maybe not the most conventional Easter, or the most conventional Easter dinner, but we had so much fun spending our day together.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. I think it's awesome that you still give your girls Easter baskets. That's the stuff good memories are made of... :)

  2. It was a beautiful Easter day! Glad that you could spend some time with your girls!

  3. What a nice day for Frankenmuth! I always wondered if it was very crowded on Easter!?

  4. Always great having the girls home. I chose to get the girls one special gift this year (the same for both) rather than filling their Easter "buckets". While they both loved their gift, the oldest was somewhat saddened to not get her bucket!! LOL Mom will be filling them again next year!

  5. Happy Easter!! I fully intend to do Easter baskets for my kids until they have children of their own (and maybe still even then). We are headed to Frankenmuth this weekend, but for a Girl Scout trip to the waterpark (I'm hoping to have extra time to hit up the outlets!)

  6. We always think the more unconventional the holiday is... the better. Looks like a wonderful day with your beautiful family!!

  7. Your daughters are just gorgeous - but I suspect you knew that. :-)

  8. What a beautiful family! Looks like you enjoyed a fabulous Easter Holiday!

  9. Oh what a wonderful way to spend the day! LOVE the views! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  10. I keep forgetting that you and I live fairly close to each other. Frankenmuth is about 3 hours from here - great spot to spend the day.


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